

orthopedics, med/surgery

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About iloveclay

iloveclay has 10 years experience and specializes in orthopedics, med/surgery.

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  1. Gotta question

    Check your license status online with your state to see the status. That should be your guiding force. If it your license is not restricted then really no need to disclose your past. And really what...
  2. Are drug addiction and alcoholism disabilities?

    My blood is boiling just reading these comments. These comments are being being made by ignorant people who are operating on myths. I am 54 and have been on SSD for 1 yr. I have bipolar disorder...
  3. On second thought, you might to check with an attorney. There are attornies out there who are former RN's. CHeck out this website: This firm is in your state, KY...
  4. Marijuana stays in your system for 14 to 50 days. It would have been nice if you had did your homework before indulging. But it is too late for that. It's in the past. Nothing you can do to change...
  5. It sounds like you might be familiar with your hospital's policy about drug testing etc. It might be helpful to revisit those policies. If indeed the test comes back positive, I imagine, they will...
  6. Losing Hope for Recovery

    You know i don't think it is necessary to share every detail. Just sharing that you are taking pain medication prescribed by a MD is really all the group needs to know. What it is , how much is too...
  7. Wondering what to do! HELP

    Thanks for the feedback. Just some more info for clarification. I does seem like I am giving up. I am not working, on disability for the hip replacements and bipolar disorder. I can make a certain...
  8. Wondering what to do! HELP

    I am getting ready to start MIchigan's HPRP program. I have read on the board of others' trials and tribulations of finding a job. I lost my llcense many years ago (1986),, found another...
  9. Drug addicted nurses

    I know I will be in the minority here but I need to tell my story. I was fired from my job in Sept 11, 1986 for drug diverting. I was taking Tylenol w/codeine. I went to tx the next day for 2 weeks...
  10. I'll try and keep this short and sweet. Back in 1986, I was fired from my job as an RN for diverting. I subsequently had my nursing license suspended for 6 mos and 1 day in Feb 1989. I applied for...
  11. Thank Gods its over

    Good going Betty, it's so nice to see so many of the October group passed.
  12. To Kaplan or Not to Kaplan

    I used Kaplan but only the Qtrainers...a friend lent me his CD. I did pass BUT I would not put all my eggs into one basket. The questions are similar to those on the NCLEX but NCSBN has this course...
  13. Making It Back From A Surrender In Tx

    PEPPER! I sent you a
  14. NCLEX-RN Oct!! tips! pls!

    congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I had two questions about the same medication.....Fosamax and after that I have drawn a complete blank about any other questions. I can't remember any other questions at all. I passed with 88...