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About csojet

Female, hispanic

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  1. what about UCLA or Cedar's Sinai? do they use CRNA's? how can the pay be so lo? in So FL CRNA's make the same amount and the cost of living and taxes are sooooo much
  2. Congratulations, Keep your head up. As someone who is in her first semester of a NAP, my best advice to you is to stay ahead of the readings and learn as you go. You are going to be bombarded with a...
  3. I started a program after being out of school for 3 years and am doing extremely well. I compare it to a bicycle, you just get right back
  4. GPA questions

    Hi, just to let you know. I was in the same situation just a few years ago. I was a straight A student in highchool but due to personal difficulty, received a few bad grades. When I repeated these...
  5. Yes, it is possible to be accepted with 1 year of experience but I believe you will have better luck if in this predicament at a larger program. The smaller programs tend to prefer people with 2-3...
  6. GPA's for CRNA school.

    Got accepted at 2 programs with a 3.3gpa overall, 1260 GRE, 4 years medical ICU experience. I think they look at the whole picture, not just
  7. Hi and thanks for the replies. I have been keeping up with this thread. Since this time I have been approved for some loans and here is the scoop: 1. stafford loan with wachovia since they have a...
  8. Hi out there in pre crna world. I have found this thread very helpful and have read over it many times. I am about to apply for my student loans, federal stafford loans and alternative loans. For...
  9. Hi, I have been accepted to the FIU CRNA program starting this fall. I interviewed in February and did here the interim directory mention the program at UNF. So for all of you wondering what the...
  10. thanks suzanne, the program does incorporate one day of clinical starting the first semester. After the first year it is all clinicals and one day of seminar. You may be right in that we will be able...
  11. Hi all. I was recently accepted to nurse anesthesia school. I am also involved in a long distance relationship. I met this person on New Year's Eve and he happens to be in law school in California. I...
  12. Sheridan Healthcare

    No, FL does not let AA's practice, that is
  13. Oops! My bad. I do know about AA's but the way my colleague made it sound was that PA's would be entering anesthesia practice. Thanks for the
  14. I was recently informed that a law was passed that would allow for PA's to practice anesthesia as CRNA's do. Was wondering if someone could shed some light on this, how it will work, what kind of...