Maintaining a long distance relationship


Hi all. I was recently accepted to nurse anesthesia school. I am also involved in a long distance relationship. I met this person on New Year's Eve and he happens to be in law school in California. I live in Miami and will be starting a CRNA program there this august. My question is, will I be able to maintain this relationship. We are both in love ( it happened pretty fast) and have been able to see each other once a month since meeting. Will this still be feasible once I start my CRNA program? People at work keep telling me to forget about my boyfriend but I'm in love and haven't been for 10 years. He loves me very much and is planning on moving here when he finishes law school. He even pondered transferring to law school out here but he's going to law school for free there and would have to pay tuition here. I hear the last year are basically clinicals. Wouldn't we be able to see each other on weekends, holidays, spring break, christmas break, etc... Please help!:uhoh21:

Read about the constraints on relationships regarding single crnas on this board that has been discussed recently. I wouldn't think it would be easy, but as they say, true love can conquer all.

It may actually be easier on you that he is further away, and you can both concentrate on what you need to do during school time.

Depends on the type of program that you are in, whether it is front-loaded or not. Clincials can be twelve hour days five days per week, so with what you have planned should work just fine for you.

Good luck to the two of you.

are you kidding?

thanks suzanne, the program does incorporate one day of clinical starting the first semester. After the first year it is all clinicals and one day of seminar. You may be right in that we will be able to concentrate on school more. As it is he really has very little free time. He does get his summers off though. I will be in school year round. Thanks for the input. Where there is a will there is a way.

:smackingf :smackingf :banghead: :heartbeat :rotfl: :smackingf :smackingf

Try Casey Kassim or Delilah.

How bout Adam Corolla & Dr. Drew?

I for one encourage you to make this work if indeed you feel in your heart this is what is right.

Be careful of the situations you get yourself into once school starts.

please stick to the original topic that was posted.

Not sure who isn't sticking to the original topic, and what the big deal is. :nono:

Anyway, most programs advocate surrounding yourself with support during the anesthesia program itself. I was actually lectured in an interview that I will need support during the program itself, and they specifically asked if I had family in the area, and seemed to look down upon the fact that I was single at the time, and didn't have any family in the general area. Needless to say, I thought that was a bunch of bologni, and I did not attend said program.

Since I started the heavy portion of my program though, I would not discount the support my significant other has provided. She has been great, and is the one who deserves the medal when all this is over. Hopefully you will find this in your long distance person as well. It may not be easy, but I'm sure it can be done. good luck.

Specializes in BMT, CVICU.

I am 31 years old and in the same position BF and i have been together for 2.5yrs and we both just got accepted to CRNA schools -- me in Minneapolis and him in Jax FL. I'm wondering how your situation turned out, now that it has been a few years. I'm also afraid to hear what you'll say =(

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