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All Content by greensister

  1. 13 hour shifts and no break!

    Nurses are working 13 hour shifts in the community in a local Trust. It runs from 7 pm--8 am. The nurse may or may not get a break, depending on the demand, as theya re on call, so in effect could be driving 13 hours without a break, though they are ...
  2. 13 hour shifts and no break!

    The boss has simply said take two half hour breaks and switch off your phones. Fine so this makes it a 23 hour service not 24 as advertised as the trust is only paying for 23 hours( including days of course). I would take the two half hours together-...
  3. 13 hour shifts and no break!

    Hi Katnip---a Trust is an orgnanisation which runs the nursing situation both in community and hospital, the hospital being known as the acute side. The new manager knew all about the situation but just wanted to get some brownie points with her boss...
  4. 13 hour shifts and no break!

    I am in Yorkshire UK but can't be more specific, Thanks, GC
  5. Nursing hours

    When I was working community nights--I retired recently----we worked 10 pm until 8 am----10 hours correct me if I am wrong. We were docked an hour for a break but during this break we were still on call, so I said we were entitled to 10 hours pay. O...
  6. Nursing hours

    Many thanks---this has been "looked into" but no one seems up for the fight, and management have managed to come up with some sort of "legal " (I WOULD SAY POTENTIALLY LETHAL) way round, splitting the breaks into 3 20 minute bits which is useles...
  7. Nursing hours

    Thanks ,FF , that is what I say---if I am on a break then the phone goes off and I have a rest, eat my sarnies--needless to say night nurses arent catered for at the canteen in the hospital, you make do on sarnies.(HEALTHY EATING HAHA!) If you are on...
  8. status post disciplinary action

    I am sorry to hear of your stories and hope that all was sorted out eventually. I decided to put my query on this thread. It is hypothetical and I have to be discreet, but can someone enlighten me on a legal point. If you have been suspended and then...
  9. What's your story? Why did you take up nursing?

    It Shouldn't happen to A NURSE Halifax Courier July 22 At one household they are greeted by their patient (in pyjama top but no bottoms) with a home-made sign (in capital letters), demanding: "Nurses, please put carrier bags over your feet when wa...
  10. New nurse here...slapped today by patient.

    SHOCKED AND HORRIFIED --Not a Leg to Stand on ! In 2005 Sister X , an experienced district nurse on the point of retirement, was the accused by a patient's daughter of "making a bad situation desperate" when she, and her nursing auxiliary, were ca...
  11. Share Your Funniest Patient Stories...

    Thanks for sorting my spelling out and glad the story amused you. No word of a lie, it happened, this woman was the terror of a small village outside Halifax, the chemist, the post office, the doctors and nurses and everyone went in fear and tremblin...
  12. Spiritual Experiences

    I am not sure of there is a Spiritual Experience thread--if so I apologise. This is soemthing that happened to me and my colleague, it felt somwhat miraculous at the time! Or maybe not? ladies of the night--our guardian angel 22) Ladies of the Ni...
  13. Needlestick- who pays for PPD therapy??

    I got a needlestick from, a hep c patient, I went 12 months with three lots of tests-thankfully negative but not my idea of fun. I told no-one except my managers-- AND THEY COULDNT HAVE CARED LESS! I did the right thing, squeezing and suchluke--I ha...
  14. Not a leg to stand on

    Defamation of Character or Legimate complant. Okay, Peoples complaints have to be lsitened to but as far as I am concerned--the accused--it was verbal abuse and deefamation of character. When does a letter of complaint become defamation of characte...
  15. Not a leg to stand on

    Not a Leg to Stand On "Bedbathgate" "You haven't a leg to stand on, " I was told by my manager late in September 2005 when a patient's relative put in a complaint about me. "The patient was terminally ill. No-one will listen to your side of thin...
  16. Share Your Funniest Patient Stories...

    Thanks everyone--I feel I spelt something wrong though--pad-a dough? greensister
  17. Share Your Funniest Patient Stories...

    oops sorry, pressed the wrong button! I didnt know about Queen Victoria and to the second question, well, they accused me of being Sairy Gamp--in the end I lost my job! The above account is written as fiction but it is actually true. I was stitched ...
  18. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    sorry about the typing-- I edited it but it does not seem to have arrived!
  19. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    I feel driven to make a post on All Nurses, mainly to off load, hopefully for advice.--even a bit of sympathy woudl be nice! I am now retired but I was dismissed on sick grounds "stress" ( following a collapse ) because a patient's relative had writ...
  20. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Thanks St Neoster--I wondered if that ws part of it, as my sister who is an experienced teacher--and some of her colelagues--got told by an impertinent outsider with no experience that they could not teach adn theyw ere all elbowed out by this new he...
  21. Share Your Funniest Patient Stories...

    Quite! We have to put up with all kinds of "dickipoggy words2--as we say in Yorkshire! What we dont have to put up with is disrespect and deliberate winding up. When you are a new nurse, especially if young and sheltered--if anyone is these days, b...
  22. Share Your Funniest Patient Stories...

    Well the fact is we nurses have to have our shell-likes stuffed with cotton wool if we could not put up with the naughty words! On the district we once ahd a lovely old tramp--a real togue--whose language was very fruity. Each of us, unbeknown to eac...
  23. Sairy Gamp slur--victimisation

    Hi Fronkey I managed to get the NA's original report which tallied with mine--as we were both telling the truth! But by tracking these other reports down and asking my NA--who was decidely unhappy after all this time--I discovered she had been seen...
  24. district nurses and animals

    District Nurses and Animals--St Francis of Halifax As as district nurse in Halifax for over 25 years , now retired , during my working life I often came across situations with animals in the homes of the patients I visited . Happily most of my memo...
  25. district nurses and animals

    Many thanks,, I --and Jet--did retire after being bullied out by a new boy Jobsworth trying to impress! I wrote this I am a naughty night nurse Even though I’m past my youth But girls I’m not quite ready To be put out to grass, forsooth I know I’m no...