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About donnuchi

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  1. TPN Tubing Change

    How frequently is your tubing changed for TPN? If you change it every 24 hours, is your lipids mixed in with the TPN? We currently change our tubing every 72 hours. The lipids are separate and we...
  2. Peripheral Arterial Lines

    Why allow the blood to drip out and risk possible exposure? Why not draw back your
  3. Syringe Pumps

    We are looking for new syringe pumps for our hospital. Can you suggest one that you really like, is easy to set up, can deliver as low as 0.01ml per hour and is not prone to error? It seems there...
  4. Peripheral Arterial Lines

    Do you know of any evidenced-based research on this or is this "just what we
  5. Peripheral Arterial Lines

    What type of method do you use to draw blood from a peripheral arterial line? Do you use the "drip" method or do you draw back with a syringe? Is there any evidence-based research on this?
  6. Emergency Evacuation Aprons

    Our NICU is looking for new emergency evacuation aprons that have four pockets in the front of the apron. Any recommendations out there?
  7. Premature Infant Pain Profile

    For those using the PIPP for Pain Assessment, do you score using gestational age at birth or corrected gestational age?
  8. IV Volume Control Sets

    How would you set those up for your maintenance fluids? Do you have a bag hanging that you draw fluid
  9. IV Volume Control Sets

    Thanks! I totally
  10. IV Volume Control Sets

    Currently our practice is to use a buretrol/soluset for IV administration and to drop 2 hours worth of fluid in case of a pump issue. We are changing to new pumps next month and are looking at our...
  11. Amiodorone Toxicity

    Actually, I am an NICU RN. The patient with Amiodorone toxicity is my Dad. He has been in the ICU for nearly 5 weeks. He was on the drug for 10 months. I guess he had developed a dry cough over 2...
  12. Amiodorone Toxicity

    Has anybody had experience with a patient with Amiodorone lung toxicity? How were they treated and what was the outcome?
  13. PICC Dressing Changes

    What is your usual routine for changing dressings for peripherally inserted central catheters? Do you change on a PRN basis or weekly or some other frequency? Thanks for your
  14. Cobedding Twins/Multiples

    If anyone is cobedding twins/multiples in California, could you please send me the name of your hospital? We are trying to convince our doctors to start this practice for our patients and families....