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  1. hi

    In my county it is anywhere from minimum 5.15 an hour to 10 maximum. Keep in mind cost of living is quite a bit lower than in California. Most jobs are about 7 dollars an hour for NA. Of course the...
  2. Parent Student Loans

    Still looking for info on Parent Student Loans - Thank
  3. What part...

    I took my classes - science and such at the Marion, Indiana Ivy Tech - which only has a bridge program and I cannot seem to come up with the money and admittance to a different Ivy Tech program at the...
  4. Parent Student Loans

    She could borrow on credit cards while waiting on loan approval - but if not approved what would be the minimum payment on 5000 dollars(cash)? I think there is supposed to be a chart somewhere on the...
  5. Parent Student Loans

    What are places to get Parent Student Loans and which ones are the best to apply for? My friends daughter is in her final semester of school - her car (the students) has given up completely - they...
  6. Moonlighting Nurses

    So you think this woman I work with made up her pay scale and works retail just for fun? Most of the all nurses site is complaining about pay and work conditions - is it all made up? Attacking me...
  7. Most of Indiana is rural/small town. Very low wages and no tuition paid for. Now maybe Indy or near Chicago pays better - but most of Indiana is suffering economically. Very few LPN programs or RN...
  8. Moonlighting Nurses

    The midwest economy is really bad. I think the economy in other states will go this way too unfortunately. It seems to be spreading across the
  9. Credit reports

    I work in retail right now and yes the employers I have applied to do all kinds of checks, criminal, credit and a drug test (UA) and these are just parttime minimum wage jobs. I am sure in nursing...
  10. Moonlighting Nurses

    This is rural/small town Indiana. The LPN was making about 7 an hour and no benefits. Typical wages. Going an over hundred mile round trip might gain a dollar or two an hour - but with gas prices...
  11. Indiana is a poverty state - I just don't think any hospitals here will pay for grad school. I don't think most will pay for
  12. CNA classes?

    Try Ivy Tech Laffeyette - it costs about 600 bucks now - you will have to really nag at them for the info. CNA work pays lousy in Indiana - like minimum wage - and I have heard horror stories about...
  13. Moonlighting Nurses

    I have been talking to nurses in my area who are having to moonlight in other jobs due to the low wages here. Only 1 hospital in the county - low wages and not alot of clinics or medical offices....
  14. No food stamps for students!!!

    Indiana is a poverty state. School has no work study program because they do not allow you to work while in the program. WIA is for ages 16 to 21 - which she isn't. Jobs here pay minimum wage,...
  15. Did you live off of student loans while in school?

    If CCs all cost 1000 a semester- we could pay as we go. Ok have BS in another area. Might get into intense LPN program (only one in my rural area) - you are not allowed to work. How can I pay for...