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All Content by Djuna

  1. I am an foreign trained RN working in Vermont. Are there any other states that I can work in that don't require CGFNS or VisaScreen? I did look at the Compact License website but I don't think a compact license allows me to bypass the CGFNS or VisaSc...
  2. The ED where I work is inundated with drug seekers as I assume all US EDs are. I have brought to my Managers attention numerous people who are frequent fliers, but nothing is ever done about it. I am not at the point where I want some serious questio...
  3. Prescribing narcotics to drug seekers

    Oh sweety, wait til you've been around as an RN before passing judgment on me. You have no clue what you're talking about.
  4. Prescribing narcotics to drug seekers

    JKL33, thank you for your post. I appreciate the dispassionate outside view. I admit, I am angry. I am an overseas RN and in my country this phenomena is not as widespread. I thought I could facilitate change but I am obviously wrong. Your post has m...
  5. Prescribing narcotics to drug seekers

    Oops. I meant I am at a point.
  6. Prescribing narcotics to drug seekers

    Thank you RN-Cardiac for your post. We dispense starter packs which consist of up to 6 tablets depending what the drug is, because we have no 24 hour Pharmacies in this State. Sometimes when Drs don't want to write a 'script they will give s starter ...
  7. Prescribing narcotics to drug seekers

    Thank you HiHoCherry-O and BabyLady for your posts. The contract sounds like a great plan. We have people on pain contracts from their PCP yet the ED Providers still give narcotics. BabyLady your points are very valid and I realise this is the stumbl...
  8. Prescribing narcotics to drug seekers

    If you can't answer my specific question then please don't respond. I'm not interested on a debate on who needs narcotics for chronic pain. I am interested in helping our community address the prescription drug problem and ways our ED can control the...
  9. And perhaps your time would be better spent providing answers to questions you DO know something about instead of attacking me. Don't bother replying thanks.
  10. I already have my Vermont license, I have been working here for 18 months so that didn't apply to me and doesn't help me whatsoever with my original question.
  11. I didn't require the CES report to obtain my Vermont license. I had my transcript sent from NZ to Vermont and they oked my qualification. I sat NCLEX and that was it.
  12. Then I don't need VisaScreen at all because I already have PR. I'm trying to figure where else I can work other than Vermont. Anyway I'm just being lazy, I am perfectly capable of going to every BON and checking their requirements.
  13. A Few Questions about Auckland

    I would recommend Middlemore Hospital personally. I trained there and worked there and it had a very progressive work environment, however Auckland City Hospital would be closer and more convenient for you. You would more than likely be on Step 2 and...
  14. Australia versus New Zealand

    The cost of living in New Zealand is a lot more than Australia. Wages for nurses are less in New Zealand than Australia. I have lived in both countries and by far Australia offered a better standard of living. You won't get a job in either country a...
  15. Where to buy scrubs online?

    I like Dickies bootleg pants and UA scrub tops. I've ordered from this site without any problems. I also think the prices are reasonable. I also like some of the tops on this site, I'm waiting on an order at the momen...
  16. You can quote those figures however I know from experience working in NZ and Australia that the wages are higher in NSW. You also mentioned cost of living. I don't know where you are getting your information from but cost of living in Australia is mu...
  17. New Zealand nursing wages are not on a level with Australia. I earned a third more money working in NSW and conditions were substantially better.
  18. My view of nursing is clouded by my 15 years of experience but I would never recommend anyone become a nurse. If you don't want to continue with your medical studies then become a PA. You cannot compare being a Dr to a Nurse just because they are 'in...
  19. Hey, any Aussies working in the USA?

    Wow, that post was so confusing. You really need to separate the process for the US and Australia to make it easier for someone who knows nothing. Also, NCLEX is a one time only test, you do not sit it for each US State.
  20. Hello Australian Nurses!!

    I have worked in Australia and I can tell you right now, you will be cleaning up after incontinent patients, vomitus, colostomy bags that go 'pop' and a myriad of other 'crappy' things. Most hospitals don't have nursing assistants, they have RNs and ...
  21. You know some things are best just discussed with your family or maybe even your Doctor.
  22. Can a US RN work in Oz for a year or two?

    My friend I worked with was from England and she was sponsored for her visa plus she had free accommodation for 3 months so she could find a house and save money to set it up. She certainly found it easy to relocate to a whole new country with that k...
  23. I've never had a problem finding a job as an RN in three different countries.
  24. Can a US RN work in Oz for a year or two?

    This is the Board of Nursing site for Victoria. There is no absolute requirement that you must have a Nursing Degree, you just need to satisfy the Board that your qualification i...
  25. Can a US RN work in Oz for a year or two?

    pay is dependent on which state you live in, how many years experience you have and whether you work in the public or private sector. it is not dependent on whether you live in a large city or a small rural town. act pays the highest rates, then nsw,...