Trauma, Teaching

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” Thomas Jefferson

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About JBudd

JBudd has 44 years experience as a MSN and specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

Generally all around terrific widowed mom of 3 great kids

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."   &&  "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."  Thomas Jefferson

Latest Activity

  1. JBudd

    What's your most ridiculous supply shortage?

    We ran out of blue top tubes for PT/PTT. Had just a few so had to go justify getting one from the unit clerk. Ran out of vacutainers for pulling blood from saline locks this week, but that is...
  2. JBudd

    Having A Nurse As A Patient

    Can't always hide that you are a nurse when being a patient; especially in a small-ish city with one hospital (at the time) and half your nurses were either on strike with you or former students of...
  3. JBudd

    Study resources for nursing school

    I like Kahn Academy actually; bite size explanations of a lot of things: EKGs, cardiac conditions, etc. Online and
  4. JBudd


    I did "teach" online patho for a while, and this was my frustration as well; there was so much information that I thought it was ridiculous to expect students to teach themselves just from the book....
  5. I googled ombudsman for elderly: "What Is an Ombudsman for Nursing Home Abuse? When a nursing home resident encounters poor care, abuse, or any other issue, it’s not always apparent who...
  6. JBudd

    What’s a Crusty Old Bat?

    Now we need the link to the discussion as to the composition of said big-girl-panties: I believe there was a mention of the problems with rust in the iron
  7. It was fun hitting those mile stone # of posts and likes, and there were a lot of fun threads..... I almost didn't come back after the "big dump"
  8. Yep ? And to the OP, I just took the age as part of the description. It is what it is. My daughter sent me a Tshirt with "All women are equal, but the best are nurse's in their
  9. LOL, this is a old catch phrase from years ago in AN: there were a lot of snowflakes coming in to complain about the older nurses they worked with, up to and including "they should just retire and...
  10. JBudd

    Fostering as a nurse/student?

    I applied to foster older teens in my city; and half way through the home study, was told by the local branch of the children's state agency, that as a single woman who works two nights a week I would...
  11. JBudd

    Gross Me Out ? Contest | Nurses Week

    Assisting an ENT treating a lady with sinus infections, admitted to a med-surg bed. He simply took an 18 gauge needle, went up the nare and just pushed it through the nasal bones and drained the left...
  12. JBudd

    Breakroom Pet Peeves

    LOL! I certainly did! will change it
  13. JBudd

    Breakroom Pet Peeves

    sorry! wrong
  14. JBudd

    How do you guys do it for so long?

    I'm 61, cancer survivor so a few disability type problems (crummy knee, SOB with exertion, pain). Been in the ER 25 years, 40 in nursing. I like it. I do two 12 hour nights a week. I avoid...
  15. JBudd

    How do you guys do it for so long?

    I spent my 23rd year (of life, not nursing, ? ) volunteering in orphanages in Bangladesh and India. Didn't spend a lot of money on myself, lived cheap, and had enough in savings to go. Have you...