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About mikethern

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  1. denial is a river in eqypt. it's ridiculous to imply that all arrogant behavior was
  2. Most stressful moment as a nurse?

    You did that jerk a huge favor and he thanks you by crapping on you. What a low life. Had you let him operate on the wrong side, I'm sure he would have blamed you for
  3. Retire by 30, thanks nursing!

    Long term, stocks grow faster than real estate. Smoking is fun too, but it is physically unhealthy just like nursing. Look at the injury thread.......
  4. Vent, called a "stupid nurse",,, again

    I would consult a lawyer too. Many lawyers will give you a free consultation if you ask for
  5. Excluding anything that led to a lawsuit or information that would be inappropriate to share with the message board, what is the most stressful situation you ever experienced as a
  6. abandonment defined?

    When I circulate, if I leave the room, I walk quickly and get back to the room as soon as possible. I will leave the room to pee but I do it lightning
  7. What size angiocath do you usually use to start an
  8. Now I understand why there is a nursing shortage

    Probably the right decision. What are your plans
  9. Now I understand why there is a nursing shortage

    Nursing is physically unhealthy and hazardous. My health is more important than money. Nurses also get a lot of verbal abuse and disrespect. You have only one life. Try to choose an enjoyable...
  10. being harassed for taking family medical leave

    Consult an employment
  11. As on O.R. nurse, how often do you start
  12. Holy crap. 6 views to this thread so far and 5 replies with
  13. Now I understand why there is a nursing shortage

    Good post. If college students really knew what nursing is like, there would be much fewer applicants to nursing school. I work only 12 hours a week because I dislike nursing. I am wasting my...
  14. For example, back injuries, hypertension,