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All Content by shaazzaamm34

  1. 265 NCLEX Questions!!

    OMG... I took it yesterday... Had the 265... I had so many vent questions.. I couldn't believe it.. Then I had one about What would u think the doctor would order... I had to stop look around and see if I was taking the nclex or the MCAT's lol...
  2. Whadda u think about the college network?

    Hey Guys... Wow what a Thread... Well I noticed alot about dislikes and Likes... Often the dislikes were opinions other than Facts like... Instructors were Poor or They left me Hanging... I'm enrolling into the RN to MSN thru TCN... With Regis Univ...
  3. body fluids, vomit, feces, smells, etc.

    I can usually Stand all sorts of smells in the hospital... But What really makes me sick Is the smell of Morning trays... Especially the sight of Mech Soft Diet...
  4. Stupid Things RN's Have Done!!!

    I know you all have heard some interesting things about what some of your co-Workers have Done... Leave out Med. Errors... or Nurses Caught Taken their Patient Drugs... Think of the One's that are totally Outrageous... For Example, and to get thing...
  5. Stupid Things RN's Have Done!!!

    I Grad last yr From ADN... I Have a Couple Months left for My BSN... I Grad From High School @ 18... Got Accepted Out of High School to the ADN in the Community College... Took 3 Other Classes Each Time with my Nursing Classes... Mostly On liners......
  6. rules for student nurses

    Here is some more... If you don't know something in clinical setting... Then someone helps you out... Don't ... Don't Act like you knew it... And Played it like you were going to do it the whole time... If someone is asking a question... Do not inter...
  7. Advantages/Disadvantages being a male in nursing

    You Have No Idea... My Parents Call me this All the Time... Last YR... I went out with A Med student... Later on the evening We met up with her parents... All Doctors... Including Brothers and their Wives... And even her extended family... As soon a...
  8. sick of ADN vs BSN! like most of us have a choice anyway!

    Well According to my Mom... I had a wild night... Woke up went to reg. for classes and got in the wrong line... lol But i love it... And can't wait to graduate... (may 2007) yea yea
  9. "hospitals won't hire psych nurses"

    Idk... The nurses there Just said I may have reminded them of someone in the past... Lol... But I didn't let my barrier down to try to do any theapeutic Communication towards them...
  10. What to Buy

    Haha... Great posts... I'm Very pleased... But I don't think that I will be geting my self into to much Debt... My Dad's an Accountant/stock broker... So he's letting me know about 401(k) and investments... But I'm 20... My friends are still in schoo...
  11. What to Buy

    Well Im graduating in May 2007... And I have a long list of what to buy... Since this is my First real Job... And considering my job now as a waiter only brings in about 100 bucks a week... I was just wondering what is everyone else going to buy......
  12. "hospitals won't hire psych nurses"

    Psych... ugh... I just got done with my rotation with psych... Week 1 I was threaten with my life... B/c all the guy pts on the floor thought i was going to take their women... Week 2... I was threaten with my life b/c some of them said i killed thei...
  13. Nursing in Alaska

    Ugh... 4 months no light... Sounds like a never ending party... I like... But the Cooled weather... Ewh... I hate the winters In kentucky... Is it ever Warm?
  14. Here you Go I got a Bad One... I was interning down in the ER when I got a 32 yr old man who came in with a prolapse rectum... The surgeons had to put a colostomy in... 2 weeks later he came back in with a prolapse colon... Apparently after we got ...
  15. What to Buy

    yup... my bad... May 2007