i went to school in fla and right after i started nsg school my ex left and took all the money and closed the bank accts....they had a displaced homemaker program in fla and it payed for all my school...
I have signed up with an agency to do prn work in california from lousiana a week or two every month. I have talked to some other people that say i can go on staff in a northern california hospital...
we also just changed to navy uniforms...new CEO ...same old problems... short staffed...cutting hours....total upheavel....but we all are in uniform now....there are 6 shades of navy...we all never...
having worked in a few places in the country, i have never been asked about my graduation from a community college....the only thing anyone ever asked for was my nursing license....when you have your...
This may sound crazy but for a year my foot was so painful ...i dragged around everywhere in pain....i started using muzino running shoes and i swear the day i started to wear the shoes my foot had...
i think there are days when we have good patients and bad families and days with bad patients and good families..... and really bad.... is bad patient...bad family.....it is the days with good patient...
nurse lou good luck on the job hunt....my manager decided after all the fuss to keep our new grad on days for a month to give her a bit of experience before putting her on nights....this is a...
thanks for the input.....that was my suggestion...to keep her on days as a second nurse for a month when the manager was there so she could see her work and be there for a bad day, as a extra pair of...
in a 6 bed icu that usually has 4-6 patients.... we work 2 nurses most nights and can have the unit fill before morning...the manager has a new grad...just passed boards and wants to put her as a...
i spoke to ER yesterday....they would not agree to hold 2 patients if we filled up...so we would have to handle all 6 beds with the new grad if we were busy......i have to say last night was a night...
That is something to think about....i know the ER would have a cow if we held patients...but....you are correct....6 patients is to dangerous even with 2 experienced nurses.....i am already looking...
i have to say that when the unit has 6 patients they staff us with three nurses...but....the problem is that when your shift starts at 7 pm and there are 4 patients in the unit and two nurses,...
the first thing i did was express my concern to our manager....i also gave what i thought was an answer ...that she remain on days for few months as the second nurse where she would be able to get...
management decision on new grad permalink i just need some help with a management decision to place a new grad in our unit on the night shift.... we have a small unit only 6 beds...we usually work...
i just need some help with a management decision to place a new grad in our unit on the night shift.... we have a small unit only 6 beds...we usually work two nurses alone on the the night shift...we...