Miss Chybil RN

Miss Chybil RN BSN, RN


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All Content by Miss Chybil RN

  1. A Morbid Poll I know.

    Gosh, you sent me on such a chase. It was just before Thanksgiving when I was listening to a show on XMPR with the author of a book about do-it-yourself funerals, environmentally friendly funerals, and the history of embalming in the US. He talked ab...
  2. EXCELLENT website for reading ecg strips

    Thanks. My cardiac exam is next week! Perfect timing...
  3. (Scenario question) How long do I have to stay with her? How often do I have to check on her? This is only part of a prioritizing question, but this is "my" patient and the rest of the imaginary ICU is having a bunch of problems. Can I help anybody e...
  4. Has there been any further action on this bill? I Googled it, but can't find anything more recent. I wonder if it does anything about CNA ratios, or if nurses will be expected to do more tasks traditionally delegated to CNAs.
  5. Health Assessment Resources, Techniques, and Forms

    This link was EXACTLY what I was looking for: http://www.hospitalsoup.com/public/Admissi3rev2.pdf (attached below) I don't think I'll miss anything on an assessment again! Thanks! nursing-admission-assessment.pdf
  6. I was threatened by a Nursing Assistant

    What part did I misinterpret?
  7. I was threatened by a Nursing Assistant

    The OP is in Dubai, part of the United Arab Emirates. I've never been there, but from what I've seen and read the women in Dubai enjoy more freedoms than those in Saudi Arabia. That doesn't say much when you compare Dubai women's rights to those of w...
  8. Officially done with first semester - anyone else?

    Just took my final yesterday. The grades were posted online this afternoon. I got a 95% and an A in the class. They said next semester will make this one look like a walk in the park. We shall see... Right now, I'm just glad the first one is beh...
  9. How long did you wait?

    My daughter-in-law and I have both been waiting since last summer for the Maricopa Colleges. I didn't want to wait and started at Yavapai College in Prescott this last January. I am now done with my first semester at Yavapai and we're still waiting...
  10. Safe Staffing Saves Lives - ANA has started a campaign for us

  11. Dumbest thing a student/newbie ever said/did?

    I wonder what happened to his clinical instructor?
  12. How to become a holistic nurse?

    here you go:
  13. There is no nursing shortage!

    I'm not a nurse, yet. I'm still in school. It's a little weird to see Filipino conditions set up next to US conditions, though and then to think how much we Americans complain! But, everything is relative. I mean, compare a hair over a hundred thousa...
  14. I'm really beginning to HATE nursing

    Learning is not a process by which one pays money and is then spoon fed material. It's your responsibility to take ownership of your educational experience. Colleges and universities are not simply in the business of teaching you "things." They mu...
  15. Universal Health Care... what would this mean...

    Here's a quote to remember: Man cannot fish with broken arms, ruptured spleen and dislocated hip received from drunk driver who hit him - with no insurance - as he is walking to bus stop in morning for ride to harbor. That's all for today, Grasshop...
  16. Getting through a clinical experience you hate

    My entire first semester clinical experience is in LTC and it just so happens to be in the same facility my grandmother passed in many years ago. They took good care of her there. I hope to do the same for somebody else's grandmother.
  17. Universal Health Care... what would this mean...

    HM2VIKING: Thanks for posting such valuable information. I would like to add I have received wonderful care from the VA. (I don't go there anymore. Since I married my husband, I've been covered by his Tricare plan for military retirees - another ...
  18. Universal Health Care... what would this mean...

    As in attacking people who need healthcare, but who don't have insurance because they've made bad choices? It is my opinion the biggest problem with people these days is there are so many people who know what the biggest problem with people these day...
  19. Universal Health Care... what would this mean...

    Well, I accidentally hit the "thanks" button, instead of the "quote" button. You can be sure I did not mean to thank you for this post. I meant to ask you how sick people made bad choices. Sure, some have. Some people don't eat right, or some peo...
  20. Universal Health Care... what would this mean...

    I don't know the answers to all of your questions, but I do have a suspicion people have a tendency to get sick and injured whether they have insurance, or not. The difference would be made in the fact sick people without insurance wait until they ar...
  21. Fibromyalgia

    If I was only "offended" before, I must say I am flabbergasted by your post. I have done more than read one article on fibromyalgia. The articles I've posted ARE about the RESEARCH and the findings after such research. I have fibromyalgia. I have suf...
  22. Fibromyalgia

    It does not matter whether it is your imagination, or not. You will see things as you wish and in no other way. Good luck to you.
  23. Fibromyalgia

    Did you read the article I posted? Here is an abstract from another: Here is some information about the pregabalin (Lyrica) that I mentioned in my previous post: Many people who have fibromyalgia are being treated with narcotics to relieve their ...
  24. Fibromyalgia

    Patients with fibromyalgia have elevated Substance P in the spinal fluid and decreased levels of serotonin which causes an increased sensitivity to pain - along with a severe sleep-disorder. The FDA has just approved non-narcotic Lyrica - a drug use...
  25. Managing symptoms for a �good death�

    This, I don't get.