
fostercatmom ASN, BSN, RN

ER and case management

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About fostercatmom

fostercatmom has 33 years experience as a ASN, BSN, RN and specializes in ER and case management.

Was halfway through my master's in nursing education when I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Now I tutor students sometimes to keep my hand in. Being a nurse was a honor.

Latest Activity

  1. Going back to work after 8yrs

    I had to quit 8 yrs ago because of stg 4 lung cancer. I was supposed to die. Major sick. Lets hear it for immunotherapy!!. The doctor says I'm cured. No treatment for 3 years, no changes for 5 years....
  2. Controversies Surrounding ANA

    Thank you! I tried searching here, guess I wasn't using the right search terms. Thank you so much for your help! I didn't know about
  3. Controversies Surrounding ANA

    That's the assignment. What are some of the controversies surrounding the ANA itself. ? I'm trying to help a friend in an ethics class. I'm usually pretty good at googling, not this time. I never had...
  4. Are there any controversies surrounding the ANA. I would think that there is something. I can't find any from Nurse Google. Anyone know of any? Maybe I'm just tired and having a brain cramp, thanks...
  5. D5w fluid overload

    This would be my answeratvthis point. I can't think anymore!! :-) I think the answer will be slow it down, I find nothing that says to switch any fluids, except to give lasix, and in doubt you've...
  6. D5w fluid overload

    You can't see me, but I am laughing at
  7. D5w fluid overload

    Oh gees....I am the tutor. My student had her test this am. I'm in school for my MSN...going very slowly! As I said, fuzzy brain right now. I really can't figure out the ivf's right now. I've never...
  8. D5w fluid overload

    Sorry I didn't go into more would have helped I'm sure !
  9. D5w fluid overload

    I know d5w starts as isotonic, then goes hypotonic in the body.. if a patient is showing signs of overload, given the choice of slowing it down or changing, I think slowing it down and let the body...
  10. D5w fluid overload

    Test question from this morning: If your pt is showing signs of fluid overload from d5w, do you change the fluid or slow it down? Stopping is not an option.
  11. Why can't we all just get along?

    Nurses, like doctors, need to have strong ummm... personalities..convictions...belief in themselves..."insert your favorite adjective here". I want a surgeon with confidence, I want my nurse to be...
  12. 400-level lecture class taught by a BSN educated nurse?

    "people worry about dumb stuff. just work hard and learn. credentials aren't everything. I had a few teaches with PHDs that didn't know the difference between a vein and capillary." wait a...
  13. Should I leave PRN ED Staff to be WC Field Case Manager

    Well, you are prn, and it is very hard to get into case management. You could do both, work prn 2 or 3 shifts a month in the ER and do the wc. It does sound like a lot of driving... alot of wear and...
  14. As much I dislike LVN programs- they are outdated and do not serve the nursing need very well, they DO serve a purpose, especially for young single mothers that just need to get started in something....
  15. I didn't get into Nursing School!! Help!!

    Jordan, I don't know how old you are, but I'm not sure you are ready. "I don't study like I should" and "science is my worst subject" are not confidence building statements for yourself or for your...