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All Content by CaliRN2Be

  1. Chemistry 2006/ 2007 Club***

    My school droppped both Chem and Nutrition as pre-reqs into the nursing program! Yippee for me because I am not too good at Science stuff. Good luck to all you people taking it!!!
  2. Fall 06' Anatomy

    Hey everybody! I just joined the site today. School starts Aug. 14 and I already have butterflies! I am taking anatomy. I am down to just my 3 sciences for pre-reqs. Anatomy, Physio and Micro. I had attempted physio last semester but didn't do too we...
  3. Fall 06' Anatomy

    Thanks!! Yeah the counselors and nursing program staff have also advised me to not take any of those sciences during summer. I am highly thinking about tackling two of these classes either this semester or next because I don't want to be in school f...