student to be in VA

student to be in VA

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All Content by student to be in VA

  1. just waiting

    I've finished all of my prerequsites and now I'm just on the waiting list. I've been waiting since May of last year. Is there a wait list everywhere or is it that my school can't keep up with the demand?
  2. just waiting

    I'm in the Richmond, VA area.
  3. Dazed & Discouraged

    Oh my do you have a lot on your plate! Hang in there though. It will be worth it. You didn't take all those classes for nothing. You obviously want this as a career. If you've been pushing at it this long, just keep pushing a little more.
  4. What to do? What to do?

    Just hang in there. I'm on my school's waiting list too. At first it can seem discouraging, but it will all pay off in the end. I'm done with all pre-reqs, but I've been taking other classes in case I want to specialize. I agree with some of the...