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About ColleenMommyOf4

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  1. relocating to charlotte, nc area

    in August I will be relocating to the Charlotte area. By the time I move I will have about 3 yrs total RN experience 2 yrs in the ER and 1 yr on Telemetry. I am soooo not willing to go back to work on...
  2. Bayonne School of Nursing- BMC

    i just graduated from bayonne med center in may and its a great school...the instructors are great and ive never had a problem with them losing paperwork either lol...anyways good luck on the tcs2...
  3. Salary to expect as a new grad nurse

    I just got hired in NJ and ill be making about 32 an hour for the night shift on telemetry its 29 per hour base pay without shift
  4. Post Nclex Anxiety!

    i live in nj too and it wasnt available til the 2nd day and after 9am so dont waste your time b4 that....good luck tho im sure u did fine
  5. Nclex

    i found out today that i passssssssed!!!!!!!!!!! i really thought that i failed cuz i only had about 7 SATAs and i know i got my last question wrong (i had 84 questions) and i had 1 med calc.... for...
  6. Got my ATT

    yea i got my ATT on monday and i am testing next monday june 16th GL to all
  7. Medication List

    we have to fill out a med card of a medication they gave us...mine is catapres (clonidine) my question is they want us to put the actual dose, recommended dose, classification, what the med does, the...
  8. St. Peter's University Hospital - New Brunswick

  9. Advice on Seton Hall

    my friend has a friend that graduated from seton hall and id be careful going there only cuz she graduated *most of them didnt graduate cuz they failed the final in the last nursing class* and she...
  10. bayonne nursing school doesnt do a waiting list....if u dont get picked then u have to reapply the following year and ur name goes back in the big bucket....i JUST applied in april of 2006 and was...