tnbutterfly - Mary BSN

Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg


About tnbutterfly - Mary

tnbutterfly - Mary is a BSN and specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Hello!! I have been a member since 2006. As a BSN RN for more than 30 years, I have experience in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nursing, Home Health, Psych, Parish Nursing and Social Media. I hope you enjoy allnurses as much as I do..

The most wasted of days is one without laughter. e.e. cummings

If you appreciate allnurses®, help us get the word out to the world. Other students and nurses would love to hear how awesome we are! Please, it only takes a minute, but means so much to us. Thank you! Click here to leave a review on Google.

I hope you are enjoying allnurses as much as I have over the years.  

Latest Activity

  1. Damar Hamlin has been discharged from the hospital after completing comprehensive tests including a series of cardiac, neurological and vascular testing on Tuesday.. He will continue his...
  2. Congratulations To All The Winners We received so many diverse, creative, and awesome articles sharing ideas and comments about the good and bad effects that the media has on healthcare decisions....
  3. tnbutterfly - Mary

    PSA/Free Covid Tests

    I ordered mine. COVID is still hanging around....and I have avoided it so
  4. tnbutterfly - Mary

    Celebrate Perioperative Nurses Week

    What Do Perioperative Nurses Do? If you or a loved one have had surgery, perioperative nurses have been by your side at all times before, during, and after the procedure. They are there to greet...
  5. tnbutterfly - Mary

    2022 National Case Management Week Giveaway

    UPDATE This contest is now closed to additional entries. Thanks to all who participated. The CCMC team will review all entries and select the 4 winners. We will announce the winners in a...
  6. For more on this, go to CDC Advisors Endorse Adding COVID Shots to Vax
  7. The strike is over, but were any changes made? Watch this video with nurses from the strike and the president of National Nurses United sharing their input on what the tipping point was for the...
  8. Hello, Lola. Thank you for your article submission. Generally, articles are reviewed and published in the order received. We are happy to say we have had so many article submissions recently. Your...
  9. We are getting several articles. We would love to read your ideas regarding the effect that the media has had on making healthcare decisions, especially during the COVID pandemic. Don't wait too
  10. Moved to Hospice
  11. Article Contest: $1000.00 in Total Prizes! 5 Winners Each winner will receive $200.00 in prizes A Walmart Gift Card ($100) A restaurant gift card with 6 restaurants listed ($100.00)...
  12. tnbutterfly - Mary

    Compassion Fatigue

    Thank you for the article. Compassion fatigue is real. I changed jobs due to compassion
  13. tnbutterfly - Mary

    Nurses, Do You Feel Valued???

    In the past few Pandemic years, nurses have been called "Heroes" as we have navigated through COVID. Covid is still with us, and we are still doing our jobs just as we always have, even as we...
  14. tnbutterfly - Mary

    Degree over Experience?

    Do you feel that more emphasis is placed on what degree(s) a nurse has rather than
  15. tnbutterfly - Mary

    My Coworkers are Driving Me Nuts

    HA HA HA!! Verrrrry tempting..... But then they would have a free shot at