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All Content by pri4fun

  1. I did it!!!!!!!!!

    :nuke: RNs2BRwe it was super sweet of you to think and wish for me while i was giving my exam. May God be with you while you are giving your exam next week. I know i started freaking out seeing that i had used up almost 3 hours. It was some experien...
  2. pri4fun is taking her test today....

    :blushkiss i AM SOOOO TOUCHED, this is very very sweet you guys!!! It is absolutely most definitively becuase of your good wishes and prayers i PASSED!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... BIG :icon_hug: to all of you...
  3. Nclex tomorrow morning......scared!!!!

    So finally the day is almost here, i am scared and praying God to help me be calm. Please pray for me ....
  4. Nclex tomorrow morning......scared!!!!

    Thankyou all for your good wishes. ay23 and Lprn i am praying for you, God be with you , GOOD LUCK ! By Gods grace we will have good news by end of the week.
  5. 265 questions! I feel sick!

    :balloons:congratulations, r n
  6. i did it @75!!!!

    :roll :melody: :cheers: :smiley_ab :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: congratulations kathy , r.n yes god is great!!!! i am so happy for you...
  7. how weird are nclex questions????

    I have been reading majority of test takers say on this forum that nclex questions have been the hardest and weirdest test they have ever taken. I am giving my test in 4 days and feel really anxious. I am trying to solve lots of questions etc... i a...
  8. how weird are nclex questions????

    Thanks for your replies. It has been scary reading peop with honors etc say it is nothing like they ever taken before, and its so hard. But you are right i should remember that 85% peop pass, keep a positive attitude and say I will pass. I have b...
  9. Confused on Canes! Help, please?

    I have come across some quests too w/ kaplan where i am going ugh??? i am glad you brought up this cane topic, i hadnt really paid much attention to it, but now i think i understand...
  10. Confused on Canes! Help, please?

    I was listening to some of the questions on the kaplan video ( Basic Care and Comfort section) and came across this question (no: 5) about going up the stairs with a cane. In that she clearly says WHILE GOING UP STAIRS YOU ADVANCE THE GOOD LEG FIRST...
  11. For those who did Kaplan pre-tests...

    I understand how you are feeling, but remember that QT questions are harder than Qbank, and actually bet 60 - 65 is really good.. Just keep doing more questions, thats what i am doing also... I had got only 56 % on test4. Just hang in there and we wi...
  12. Kaplan Q-Bank!!!

    Thanx again for your support Finished 100 more quest did little better on psych... looks like i can handle psych people more than preg ones..
  13. For those who did Kaplan pre-tests...

    Good question, even i would like to know about that since my analysis - application is not very good. I feel you are doing very well if you are getting 63-65 etc.. kaplan says if you get 65 + you are ready to go take nclex right? by the time you get ...
  14. Kaplan Q-Bank!!!

    Thankyou for your comforting words... yes, trying to breathe... started with the OB and growth and dev test, i am horrible in that to begin with... i dont have any children, sometimes feel should have had a kid before giving nclex, would have had be...
  15. Kaplan Q-Bank!!!

    Ok, so i started doing the Qbank questions. Did 100 quest and got only avg in low 50s , i am really freaking out!!! I am supposed to be giving nclex next week... Did anyone else who passed, get so low??? i really dont think i am prepared. I am just g...
  16. wound care ... dressings!!!!

    When i am practicing questions, I always get the questions on the type of dressings for diff kinds of wounds wrong. Anyone know a good way to learn all the different kinds of dressing, wet-to-dry, hydrofoam, nonadherent dressings .........etc for wh...
  17. wound care ... dressings!!!!

    Thanks for the reply. I came across few, now i am going back to find those quests, will post once i can find them.
  18. Kaplan Q-Bank!!!

    Yeah i know, that's what is worrying me to be able to get throu 1000 quest in 1 week .. i had been going back and forth about buying this and then decided more quests i do better, and i think peop say nclex quest similar to kaplan... God i hope so :)...
  19. Saunders Q & A book

    Has anyone used the Saunders Q & A (bright green color book). If so do you think it was helpful? Thank you
  20. I Passed...Help for Future NCLEX takers

    congratulations rn, :balloons: :smiley_aa :smiley_ab :beer: i do not have the qbank, but have done all quest from kaplan qt, got only 60 and 61 in the 6th and 7th test. i am really scared. does qbank have quest totally diff from qt, i dont think i...
  21. Saunders Q & A book

    Thanks for your replies. I got that green book and did around 300 quest so far, i feel some of the quests require little more thinking than the saunders comprehensive review (blue) book. I have been doing kaplan too, and yes the quest are def harde...
  22. I did it!!! I passed!!!

    :balloons: CONGRATS, RN:balloons:
  23. I Have An Announcement

    Congrats nurse ashley, RN.. Great job!!!:balloons: Did you read all the review in or mainly do just the questions??? Do you think nclex questions were similar to ncsbn review? I am finding it really boring to read the review, so ha...
  24. study guides and actual nclex questions????

    I have gone throu saunders, kaplan online quest and the ncsbn quest.. still i know i need to solve lot more questions. I have roughly 12 days left for nclex and would like any other suggestions on which books to solve questions from which are more l...
  25. study guides and actual nclex questions????

    Kathykaye, you will do have studied and done your best... now just try to stay calm ... do let us know how you did...GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!