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All Content by Sassy5d

  1. Assertive with your providers.

    Not going to...
  2. Assertive with your providers.

    Thanks for tips. Not sure when I will work with doc again but I'm def going to nip this. There's a huge difference between a doc getting mad, and personal attacks. It was a good learning experience. I just want them to think I'm going to allow this ...
  3. I need help vs do it for me

    Maybe it's the weather, maybe I'm just a grouch but I noticed lately that several nurses are notorious for asking for help with something and what it actually is is them just wanting you to do it for them. I love helping coworkers, I really love whe...
  4. an RN is a practicing Jehovah's witness

    I did, however, work with a nurse who refused flu shot stating it's against Jw faith... I am not Jw expert, but I married one after he was excommunicated from the church. So I do have a minor base of understanding.
  5. Disgusted

    While nurses are in the business of caring for humans, including rapists, murders, drug addicts. Just because they come here and unleash their frustrations with other folk who can commiserate with them, DOESNT mean they treat their patients any diffe...
  6. I need help vs do it for me

    Sometimes I think to myself how much thought must go into this approach. If you would just do it yourself! It seems to be the newer nurses off orientation.. Like did I miss a class that instructed you on how to finesse your coworkers and sit on your...
  7. an RN is a practicing Jehovah's witness

    I do find it interesting that a jw would demand a holiday off, especially since they do not celebrate holidays (religious), even birthdays. I would raise an eyebrow at a person who demands holidays off in the name of their Jehovah witness faith.
  8. Giving Report

    Give report how you would want it. When I worked ltc, especially agency. I wanted to know code status, how they took their meds, orientation, how they transfer, how they acted during the last shift, any vitals obtained, new orders and last glucose ob...
  9. The Infamous Cab-ulance

    I'm sure my chuckles r audible when the pt is brought in by EMS w/o a gurney or a w/c
  10. Writing a new policy

    The problems with policies are there are case by case, nursing judgements. If someone is si/hi it's a given their belongings are inventoried and removed. Depending on pt, I may let them keep their cell phone. There's def no smoking where I work but ...
  11. Fake crying and bad acting in the ER

    That and the 'coaching' via cell phone
  12. Fake crying and bad acting in the ER

    Did anyone mention how you can be watching at the triage window.. Where you can see outside the hospital.. How the pts walk into the ER, and you then witness them turn on their acting? Oh they can't walk, can't talk, can't stand, can't help you undre...
  13. Why do you want to leave your job?

    I know this prob should be asked in the interview forum but I thought I might be able to get advice from my friends here. I'm dabbing at the thought of getting a new ER job. Prior to er, it was easy to explain why I wanted to switch. New experience...
  14. Any RN's available to answer questions?

    The formatting of your post is all off for me. Maybe 'cuz I'm mobile but I can't even read your questions
  15. Oh, honey.

    That's great!! I always get a kick out of 'I was just walking down the street, minding my own business when this guy jumped out and shot me in the face' I had a guy with multiple lacs to the back say he hopped a wire fence to pick berries.. OR the ...
  16. Satisfaction scores

    I've seen the first wave of management getting pressure for low scores, not getting raises and so they are coming down on us. Realistically, how do you raise satisfaction scores? Especially in this environment? I could be the best nurse, with the be...
  17. Urgent Care Experience...

    Similar to ER fast track. Colds coughs rashes asthma sprains.. I would totally do an urgent care again.
  18. True, none for prn's I was thinking more general. How is uh's insurance coverage?
  19. Track Marks

    Linear, slightly raised discolorations noted to left wrist. Pt admits/denies iv drug use.
  20. I'm curious about the health insurance packages between the 2. I know Ccf is pretty much 100% covered if you go through a Ccf doc. Anyone care to add about uh's insurance?
  21. Satisfaction scores

    I wonder what people would think/do if all the hospitals that people complained about just closed. It's a possibility. I've seen it. Then it was just 'not fair' that it was closed. Removing access to care, inconveniencing people to go to another pl...
  22. curious about emergency nurse skills

    The board of nursing gives you a scope and then a facility fine tunes these. For instance, ohio board allows me to obtain samples for stool occult and run the test, but my facility policy is that this task is performed by md or mid level provider. I...
  23. Patients who want to be admitted for minor things

    Spin off: why do I become so annoyed when someone has a simple lac with simple sutures and I tell them to f/u with a doctor, a walk in clinic, a free clinic ect to have the sutures removed and they tell me 'oh, I'll come back here in 7 days to have e...
  24. My impressions on the ER so far

    I laugh when I try to call report. The er only has a clock when you're timing labs or a critical pt. otherwise, we have no existence of time. Sorry that you just walked in, or you just got an admit. I'm giving you a human I can tell you everything a...
  25. That certain odor on some patients and their visitors

    Lol I'm still laughing at white trashy-tattoo looking. While it's judgmental, nobody can deny it's spot on. Is everyone with that appearance hawking their grandmothers stove for a hit of meth? No but it's still spot on.