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All Content by adnstudent2007

  1. problem with CNA

    I have a problem with a CNA at work. I am a new RN (since May) and the CNA is a nursing student (who has been a CNA about as long as I've been an RN). When we work together, this person frequently interrupts me in front of patients to explain the s...
  2. problem with CNA

    First of all, I want to thank you all for your advice and opinions. I really appreciate them.I agree that she is probably not intentionally trying to undermine me. I think she is so eager to be the nurse, that sometimes she forgets she isn't. For me ...
  3. What have I done?

    I am a new nurse and just got off orientation a short time ago. A few days ago, a pt was complaining of some pain so I called the md and got an order for percocet. The pt had severe hepatitis and it didn't even occur to me until now that percocet h...
  4. What have I done?

    Thank you so much for all your replies. I am feeling a little better. I know the md "should" have known the pts condition, but I work night shift and it was an on-call doc. In the short time I've been here, I've been asked several times by docs wh...
  5. night shift and dogs

    First, I guess I should change my login name because I'm not a student anymore. I recently graduated and have been offered and accepted a night position at a local hospital (assuming I pass the NCLEX of course). I don't really want to do nights but...
  6. night shift and dogs

    "Well trained dogs can spend most of the night in a kennel, crate that is. I have been raising and breeding dogs for 30 years and my dogs are trained at a very young age, as young as 3 months, to sleep in a crate. I bring my dogs in at night, around ...
  7. Right to die vs. right to live

    "One poster stated that people who have advance directives do so becasue they wisdh to live (paraphrased).. for me it's the opposite. I have my advance directive so some yahoo doesn't get it in their minds to keep my going long after I should. " When...
  8. Right to die vs. right to live

    I think it was just the way the bottom questions were phrased (possibly by your instructor) that seemed to incline the answers a particular way.
  9. Right to die vs. right to live

    I'm going to answer just a couple of the questions. These are just my personal opinions. The fact that we have advanced directives at all indicate that there are people who would in fact want to be kept alive. These may be for any number of reason...
  10. Looking too young to be an RN

    I can relate completely to what you are saying. I also look considerably younger than I am and have been asked by a few of my patients if I've graduated high school yet! I am never sure if I should add yes, and college, and worked for a while, and ...
  11. what your hospital policy on sick days?

    To use FMLA you need to fill out a boatload of paperwork and have it signed by a physician that you or an immediate family member has a serious illness which requires you to miss work. It can't be used for the occasional sore throat or stomach flu t...
  12. license to breed

    Ok, I'm sorry this is off topic but would someone please explain to me why a baby sleeping in a car seat at night is dangerous ? (I am not talking about a situation with the animals which was gross negligence on the part of the parents). Honestly,...
  13. license to breed

    When my daughter was an infant, she slept in a car seat on my floor at night for a few months (we did NOT have any animals running around our house at the time). We had a crib, but she (and her parents!) slept better this way and I have never hear o...
  14. New Nursing Student and PDA

    Hi Karen, I have a Tungsten E2 (one of the lesser expensive models-about $199) and I love it. It is much easier having the diagnoses, prescriptions, labs, & dictionary in one spot than looking through a bunch of books-particularly at clinicals. ...
  15. Do you have a nursery at your facility?

    When I had my daughter about 5 years ago, I had a really long labor and decided to put her in the nursery for the night (they brought her to me a couple of times to b-feed). At the hospital I was at, it was the policy that if you wanted to room-in w...
  16. What is your passing percentile?

    At my school passing is 75%. 75-79 is a C, 80-89 us a B, and 90 to 100 is an A. Our NCLEX pass rate is over 90%.
  17. Am I the only one who finds this disrespectful?

    I understand that most of the "venting" posts are from excellent nurses who just need to let off a little steam (and some of them are pretty funny). However, there are some that I feel cross a line. I have had alot of experience with nurses (due to...
  18. Clinicals- Grading scale?

    My school is very similar to this (except we have one more "grade" for excellent so you get a little credit if you do something great). I prefer this way very much. I have found when I concentrate on grades I tend learn alot less, I would rather co...
  19. A Nurse with Vasovagal Syncope Syndrome?

    It depends on your school. At my school, we do not do any blood drawing or IV starts at all. They tell us we learn that stuff after we graduate. But other schools in the country do teach it . I am so glad that we don't have to practice that stuff...
  20. A Nurse with Vasovagal Syncope Syndrome?

    I'm a fainter also. Not just getting my blood drawn but almost whenever I get any type of shots or really unusually stressed. However, I am in my third semester of my ADN program and haven't fainted at all, and I've been giving injections, hanging ...
  21. 24 hour ICU visitation

    I was on the other side many times as a family member of a patient in an ICU at several different hospitals, each with different visiting hour rules. One had 24 hour visiting hours, one had visiting hours but they were very lenient about letting me ...
  22. No IVs in my Nursing School, opinions please?

    My school also doesn't teach us to start IVs. I believe it is related to the school's insurance. We are able to IV pushes and discontinue IVs. All the hospitals in our area know this and don't expect us to be able to know how to start IVs.
  23. Anyone worried about throwing up or passing out?

    I have actually passed out a few times, although not in nursing school. I used to pass out whenever I had blood drawn or just got a regular shot. One thing that helps me is to keep my eyes open and talk. I also think its harder when you watch some...
  24. Hopkins Nurses-Thank you

    I am not sure if this is the best place to put this thread, but it seams the most appropriate to me. In summer/fall 2003 my husband was a patient at Hopkins, primarily in the MICU and (following surgery) surgical intermediate care floors. I know its...
  25. Rules for the ER (long)

    "Syncope is not an emergency unless you are old or have a major medical problem. Drink some damn water and take a nap, I almost passed out on my way down the hall to check you in, suck it up." My one time as a patient in an ER I had been fine and the...