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All Content by hopefulstudent06

  1. Any Single Parents Here? How are you doing it?

    I thought that I was the only one thinking about divorce right before starting the nursing program. I start this month and I have a 3 year old. I have family around but none that I would leave my son with. My mom passed away 4 years ago so I can't...
  2. Got a call today

    :balloons: I was alternate number 3 for the ADN program. I got a call today from the secretary. She told me that I had been accepted into the program.:monkeydance: I accepted the spot and now I am so excited but also so scared. School is startin...
  3. Taking 3 sciences at once

    I took Micro, A&P II and Pharmacology along with another class one semester. It was too much to handle. I have a 3 year old and I am married. It was just too much. I had no time for anything except school and didn't really have enough time fo...
  4. Does age matter?

    At the school that I attend, most of the students taking pre-reqs are right out of high school and mommy and daddy are making them go to school. A majority of them do not get accepted into the ADN program and there are more "older" students in the p...
  5. Does poop bother anyone besides me?

    I have a 3 year old, babysat all of my cousins and neices and worked in the baby room at a day care for a long time. So I can safely say that it does not bother me all that bad. Yeah it will gag you sometimes but you get over it. As a mother, it i...
  6. Where should I fit in MY life?

    I really urge you to wait. I have a 3 year old and it is really hard even with help from my husband. Noone does it like mommy. Also when I was pregnant, I had way too much stress. I started to have complications with my pregnancy because of too m...
  7. What kind of study area do you have/use???

    My step-daughter is hardly ever at our house anymore. She just got her first car and job. So I took my computer desk to her room. She has a built in desk-like thing in her room. I still have a little work to do in there but it will be ready before sc...
  8. Acceping letter - GPA

    Wow, your GPA's are great. I have a 2.8 and I am alternate number 3. Just waiting on 3 people to not accept. Usually about 5-10 people so not accept their seat.
  9. Alternate number 3

    I got my letter yesterday and it said that I am alternate number 3. Usually 5-10 people accepted do not take their spot so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I will be taking my letter to the office tomorrow to say that I still want to be considered ...
  10. A question for moms...

    I can relate. I was mostly at home with my son until I started school. He is 3 now. During my first semester I sent him to a private babysitter. The first 2 weeks I cried everytime I got back into my car. I almost didn't go to my first college c...
  11. How to get immunizations for school

    It won't hurt you. When I was in the Navy, I ended up having to get a typhoid shot 3 times in 4 months. The person that gave it to me the first 2 times never wrote it down. My arm hurt really bad (really painful shot) but I am sure I will never ge...
  12. How to get immunizations for school

    It was hard for me to track down my records. My mother had passed away about a year before and she had all of those papers. Me and my sister had to dig around in boxes for everything we needed (she is in the RT program). She found hers and I still...
  13. any thoughts?

    I am still waiting to find out if I got into the ADN program. Letters go out at the beginning of July. I should get in but you never know. I am 24, married and have a 3 year old son. My husband makes pretty good money but it is just wnough to pay...
  14. any thoughts?

    I wish I knew what to say. Maybe we should go on strike. I would if it wasn't for my son. I did a few years ago before my son was born but could only live with the filth for about 2 days. We had a "talk" today. He said something along the lines ...
  15. any thoughts?

    I know that he will not change. I have come to terms with that. I know that if I want something done I have to do it myself. He was ever to become abusive, I would be out the door with my son in an instant. My mother was in an abusive relationshi...
  16. Ahh so confused... Please help.

    I had to take chem before I could take A&P(it was a prereq to A&P). Then I took A&P I, then I was taking micro and A&P II along with pharmacology(and worked at a daycare at night and have a 3 year old). I ended up dropping A&P I...
  17. Applying and worried!!!!Is it normal?

    I am in the same situation. I have to wait another 3 or 4 weeks to find out if I got in for the fall. It is hard to say what your chances are because I don't know how many points other applicants have. 15 out of 18 sounds pretty good. I wish I co...
  18. I got in!!!!!!!!!

  19. what do you think?

    I have read many posts about all of you with great GPA's. I am not sure what to think about the community college that I am at. Everyone that I talk to that has transferred to this college complains about how hard it is and I have come to the concl...
  20. what do you think?

    No, I am not in the program. I still have to wait about another month to find out if I got in or not. I am just worried about the program. I am not stressing about how hard it will be (well maybe a little). I know it will be hard. I am just conc...
  21. I am burnt out!!!!!!

    Just keep in mind the big picture. About a week ago, I was having panic attacks and scared that I was going to end up on meds for the rest of my life. Instead of that, I rested and spent time with my son. I quit my stressful job(now looking for so...
  22. Just how difficult is nursing school going to be?!

    Sorry but I have to ask, are you going to run to your uncle everytime something does not go your way? He is not going to be there holding your hand throughout your life.
  23. Order of science classes

    At my school we had to take chemistry before A&P. I did not take basic biology because it was not required. One semester I took chemisty, then A&P I, then A&P II and micro together. Taking the two together was way too hard (I took phar...
  24. Being "Mom" and "Student"...

    I started my school when my son was 2 (now he is 3). When I was going through all of my prereq's my son would help me study. (still waiting on my letter for the fall admission). Not only did it help me with school but I got to spend time with my so...
  25. making myself sick

    I have applied to the ADN program for the fall. I won't find out for a couple of months if I got in or not. I work full time and have a 3 year old son. I am not taking any summer classes and the program coordinator said that I have a really good c...