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  1. Where do you put your STUFF

    What a nice site! Thank you to everyone for your suggestions...I am a work in progress. One thing I am finding it when I buy scrubs, I need to avoid the ones with pockets vertical on the seem. The...
  2. How you organize carrying all of your stuff? I have one of those pocket organizers, but when I am running thru the night I usually will not stop to put it back in my organizer. I also use one of the...
  3. working nights as opposed to working days

    I agree working nights can take a toll on your health. After I get off from work, I am religious about running to the gym (2-3 times/week) to get my cardio kickboxing and weight training in. I also...
  4. Okay, okay, I know nursing is a 24/7 job. My problem,however, I am not sure when enough is enough. With the night shift we will have on average of 9-11 patients. We are dealing with sundowners,...
  5. ITT- Tech RN program

    WOW, Congrats on getting in. When will you graduate? I saw the banner up for a day or so and it disappeared. Where do they do clinicals? Man, ITT is only 2 miles from my house. Will you do basic...
  6. Everyone here is such AWESOME support.....I thank everyone:bow:. Now I do not feel so alone. I hope I can look back 7 years from now and just remember this as a learning experience...I am sure I...
  7. WCCCD Spring 2010 Hopefuls

    Questions, what is the point system? I have a friend who was at a 48. She said the cut off was 65. I have no suggestions for her. We did not have a point system years ago. What do they base the...
  8. i am kinda piggy backing off another post here regarding "how long should you wait before transferring to another unit" i am a new grad 6 months as an rn now. my questions is would you transfer to...
  9. Code Blue...

    HA! I don't want to jinx myself (or my patients for that matter.....) I will say, it is something to experience. By the way, my med-surg floor also has hospice
  10. Thanks, this post helped me after a SUCKY night!!!! Just a bunch of crazy stuff and attitude from the day nurse coming in. Gheeze....I did give my very best. I am going to take a sleep aid and go...
  11. WCCCD Spring 2010 Hopefuls

    oh man, i hear you pain......just reading some of the post got my anxiety level back up again. this is so true, "now on to the issue of the nursing office not giving you a straight answer!!! get used...
  12. Hate the evening shift

    I know what you mean. Some people LOVE the PM shift, I personally hate it. I missed to much......dinner time with my family, helping my son with homework, taking my daughter to dance class, doing...
  13. Jobs for New Grads in Michigan

    I like it CandyGirl!!! Awesome job and tips. Best wishes to you. You go me motivated and I am not even
  14. Jobs for New Grads in Michigan

    WOW! I remembered when I applied for my externship January of 2008. I put in 4 applications and received 3 calls for an interview. I was hired on the 1st one. I am still at that 1st job as an RN....
  15. working nights as opposed to working days

    My thoughts EXACTLY!!! I got less done while I was in orientation on days. Up by 5AM, out the door by 6, on the job by 7 needing to be fully alert, staying hopefully till 3-4PM, home by 5, dinner is...