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About onexmorexgirl

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  1. Three Years?!

    So I attend ACC right now, getting my pre-eqs done for the ADN program. I know the wait is about 3 years right now, is this waitlist only for the community colleges of Colorado? Or for every college...
  2. Personal Hand Skin Care

    Im in my CNA course right now, and I'm wondering about lotion. See I have this huge fetish with my hands and face, I can NOT stand not putting lotion on after washing either, it drives me NUTS. So I'm...
  3. Too Sensitive to be a Nurse?

    aww i wanted to say thanks for the replies :) they are making me feel a bit better.. i was so distraught last night, when they both talked to me about it.. i mean im used to one of them talking me out...
  4. Too Sensitive to be a Nurse?

    since i was young, i always wanted to be a nurse, because that's what my big sister (who i idolized) wanted to be. she never made it past her cna for personal reasons, and now i'm in college, about to...
  5. What to do while waitlisted

    i live in colorado and it seems that the average waitlist time is 2-3 years. is there anything i can do to be productive in that time? (school wise) would a certificate in phlebotomy help? if so can i...
  6. How long is the waitlist @ ACC

    i just applied for the nursing program, so it looks like i have a long wait (at acc) besides doing the pre-eqs what else should i do for the remainder of the
  7. RN to BSN?

    thank you so much for all of the
  8. RN to BSN?

    i thought i would ask this before i attempt it. when college a (state college) offers a rn to bsn and college b (community college) offers an rn (associates) do i have to worry about things like,...