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All Content by momto2beauties

  1. HESI entrance exam big deal or not?

    We don't have to take this as an application requirement for UTA, but we do now have to take it as part of our entrance into the school. We just basically have to show proficiecy in each area or take an additional class this next semester. I just ...
  2. TAMUCC/Del Mar Eline Questions

    Have any of you gone through this program as a distance learning student? From what I understand, their classes are offered online and there are clinical sites set up at various locations around the state. I've both made calls (had to leave a messa...
  3. Questions about some Houston area schools

    It looks as if my husband's job is going to be relocating us to the Houston (Katy) area. I'm currently half way through nursing school and am looking at transferring. I'm in a BSN program right now but for a variety of reasons am going to look into...
  4. Could someone list all the Nursing Schools available in Houston...

    Do either of you know of a school that might have a branch in or close to Katy?
  5. TCC Clinicals

    Sorry, I just finally had a chance to read your post. Yes, it sounds like we do have a good friend in common! :) While I do think that UTA is a wonderful program, I'm just not 100% sure that it is going to meet my needs where I am at this stage in...
  6. TCC Clinicals

    Can anyone give me a little insight on how long TCC clinicals are? I will possibly be applying as a transfer student and still need to take OB, Pedi, and Complex Concepts of Adult Nursing. I am actually considering transfering from a BSN program with...
  7. Tcc Nursing

    On second thought - it's not actually as easy class, it has plenty of tough material. However, his testing style is very predictable.
  8. Tcc Nursing

    Foote! That's the one! I think his first name might be Durwood though?? This is a pretty easy class. Be prepared that when you go to "orientation" you will be disecting a fetal pig - was NOT prepared for that one! Can't remember if it was for 1 ...
  9. Tcc Nursing

    That is VERY true! I always had to register at 6am on the dot, the day of registration. Do you know who teaches it? I can't for the life of me remember that professors name! :)
  10. TCC Clinicals

    Thanks so much, any help would be great! I don't think I can have my transcript evaluated by TCC until October for the transfer program. However, since I only have two semesters left in a BSN program, I hope that I shouldn't have too, too much to f...
  11. Tcc Nursing

    How exciting for your daughter to begin this nursing school journey. I started about 6 years ago and am still plugging away with one more year to go! I took all of my sciences at NE campus and will do my best to remember who I had! Matthai is awe...
  12. Micro at TCC

    I completely agree with Matthai, he is awesome! Watch out for his slides on STDs if you have a weak stomach though! LOL I took it over the summer and it was very "doable". Good luck to you!
  13. TCC Clinicals

    Thanks so much, that is VERY helpful information! Are there any other classes that you guys take your last two semesters? I want to make sure that there isn't something else I would need to finish that just maybe is different from the sequence of c...
  14. A few questions about Excelsior

    I'm so glad that there is a place for me to unload all my questions on! :) I am a mom to three and almost 4 beautiful kiddos (yes, I need to update my screen name!) and have been enrolled in a BSN program. I'm only 1 year away from graduating, but...
  15. A few questions about Excelsior

    Actually, it's not as much of a money factor as it is just not wanting to spend that much time away from my kids. Also, I think it would be difficult to find someone to watch my kids for that many hours during the week that I really, really trust. ...
  16. A few questions about Excelsior

    I wanted to clarify my use of the term "shortcut". I certainly am not trying to imply that Excelsior is an easier school that I can just sail on through. In my position right now, I'm looking at possibly not being able to finish at all because of c...
  17. Need a little direction please

    I would love to hear more about your experience there so far. I will be having my fourth in December, so I totally understand what you mean about on campus programs not really "working".
  18. Need a little direction please

    Sorry, I can't help with your original question as I am just starting to investigate Excelsior. I did recognize your screename from the Texas board and remember all the headaches you went through trying to get into schools. I'm so glad to see that ...
  19. A few questions about Excelsior

    That is a totally reasonable question. Right now, even if I go part time, it will take me two years to finish because each class is a pre rec for something else and the nursing classes are only offered over the long semesters. In addition, the progra...
  20. Does anyone know where I can find...

    pictures of a normal and infected abdominal incision? I'm a student and am doing a teaching project geared towards a patient with a TAH about to be discharged. I would like to use the pictures to teach my patient about looking for signs of infecti...
  21. Does anyone know where I can find...

    Would that be different than just a standard Google search?
  22. Need some insight

    I will be graduating next year with my BSN and would really like to be a CNM. I have three small children so it will take me awhile to finish it and I am hoping to work L&D in the process. By the time I graduate I will also be a Board Certified ...
  23. Anyone accepted at TCC missing Science Pre-Reqs?

    I certainly wouldn't want to discourage you from applying but wanted to share my story. I applied for the last year's fall class at TCC not having Micro but was enrolled for the summer section. I had somewhere between a 3.8 and 3.9 overall with a 4...
  24. pregnancy and hepa B shot

    A little late in chiming in, but I had a high risk pregnancy and had no problems getting my 3rd in the series while I was pregnant. Good luck to you!
  25. Tarrant County College Acceptance Letters

    A quick note about online A&P for those of you who might be considering it and please realize that this was just my own experience and may or may not represent the feelings of other students who took the class. While it was a fairly easy A if yo...