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All Content by NurseKevin

  1. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    If you were somehow counting on California RN's to vote against unionization in most cases ... well ... it just doesn't happen very often. I don't think there would be much support for becoming a right to work state either. Ratios have made CNA prett...
  2. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    Who is?
  3. There was a poster that requested info

    OK... I am not deciding anything. I am merely processing the information that I recieve and percieve and making deductions.
  4. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    \ Labor, like in everyother business, is almost always the biggest expenditure
  5. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    you want socialized medicine.. Go to the UK or Canada..(I am not saying leave, I mean check out their system...although you could just go to those countries and get what you want). Long waits for routine care, elective surgery is nigh impossible...sp...
  6. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    interest on the going to cool, bubble going to burst anyone? I feel sorry for those that recently purchased, or have their homes mortaged a couple of times to capitialize on that wealth.
  7. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Well, I had hoped that common sense would prevail...apparently, (and I have the PMs to prove it) that there are alot of nurses on this board that disagree with Unions as much as, or more than I do. However, the mob mentality (the union one) is that i...
  8. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    smog, traffic, crime, landslides, forest fires, earthquakes, sewage spills into the ocean... what did I miss?
  9. There was a poster that requested info

    Nope, no bias here
  10. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Tsk tsk not be personal or stray from the topic of the thread please.. I have been warned, so I assume that you will be too! (If you read my posts, then you will know why I haven't left...and I do not take my wife anywhere, we go places toge...
  11. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions
  12. Getting Along- The Union Debate

    It seems to me that this site is vehemently pro-union. If you state that you are against unions there will be a flurry of links to the union websites to support the union position. One poster also asked about strike nursing agencies and where to fin...
  13. Accelerated BSN - Do employers really care where you went?

    self edit.... There are many social programs in California that will assist you in your educational goals. These programs are funded through various means, primarily taxes. There that is nicer...gotta be PC and all
  14. Accelerated BSN - Do employers really care where you went?

    Have you thought about an SCAN program? (second career as a nurse) Generally they are about 3 years and credential you as an RN while at the same time get your MSN and prepare you for advance practice
  15. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Yeah... As I am sure that my conservative views are wearing thin on so many here.. I will just state that I politely disagree... enjoy the collective.
  16. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

  17. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Why? I have done it, I know that I have a valuable skill and even more valuable experience. Other people do it everyday. They either like and accept the terms or they do not. IF they liek the facility and do not like what it is that the facility has ...
  18. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Well you are partly right, as to what I want. I want the ability to opt out of a union altogether, even though others in the facility may want it. Fine. Let them have it. Let them bargain collectively for them, and whatever benefits and pay that they...
  19. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    LMAOFor one thing, the miltary is as real as it gets, my friend.. for another, I am not in the military (active duty, anyways anymore) So I think that I am in the real world...
  20. Citrus Valley RNs win election

    I guess you missed the whoops I stand corrected edit
  21. Looking for warm area by mountains and ocean

    East Los Angeles County...
  22. Citrus Valley RNs win election

    It is Citrus Valley Health Partners all encompassing as far as I know (FHP is a CVHP facility) So I think that they are under the thumb as well whoops I stand corrected
  23. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Thanks, for me it is the uniform;) and that is my wife..and she is very beautiful, which is one of the reasons I stay in cali:mad: :)
  24. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    er...did I miss something? I am on the right in both case there is confusion as to my identity..???
  25. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Well, I think the thread was really hijacked way back on page 3..but sure.