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All Content by NurseKevin

  1. Any cool protests coming up?

    LOL Good Luck to you... If you are serious, then I have to suggest that you check out DU (Democratic Underground). Do a google search, they get in a tizzy about links to their site because of forum raids and such.
  2. California Nurses to Submit Petitions on Clean Money Elections

    It is funny to me that this iniative focuses on the campaign spending of canidates, as well as restricts corporate donations. There is not; however, any limits on third party ads (like the swift boaters) or union contributions. It also strikes me as ...
  3. :( Sad - LPN (little pretend nurse comment)

    Fear not... I know alot of PAs,simply tell them that your title ends in nurse, and theirs ends in assistant... That was simply uncool
  4. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    fine, but that isn't the one that the cna is behind with all its gusto... yet, when obtaining the required signatures, and if you get them, are you going to mention the lack of restrictions against unions, which donates and finances millions upon ...
  5. Citrus Valley RNs win election

    From the same article...and notice what was left out in the quote ( Unions only want you to see one side after all) Also, weren't there very similar complaints at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center, which the NLRB agreed happened as well? And then the CNA ...
  6. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    another thing...the summary that you linked says that the funding act will be initiated, and itself was a summary of the clean money fund and what it would do... it also stated that there would be no limit on outside spending...which is what unions d...
  7. Citrus Valley RNs win election

    So the Unions tactics were objectionable... Should have known
  8. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    From your link... Where the unions spent more than the governor anyways, and is supposedly the basis for the Clean Money Bill (The large amount spent is what raised the CNA ire)
  9. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Yet with all the propaganda.. they still didnt state what the allegations were did they? If it is just a stalling tactic, announce what the allegations are...right? Do not ask for blind support... ohhh opps thats exactly what unions do! ****and then ...
  10. Labor Laws

    I have 96 gone hours with only naps totaling about 5 hours worth of sleep... and I only made 1600 a month before taxes...
  11. how does political issues affect nursing?

    Does your state make you join a union that you want to have no part of? Do the unions in your state lobby vehemently to cap "corporate contributions" while conviently leaving out that unions are huge politcal spenders, and actively fight anything tha...
  12. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Here is another little tidbit about the CNA They are endorsing Canidates... well the first 10 on the list are all demoncrats, who woulda thunk that, huh. I didnt check the other...
  13. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    I love this... Why don't I turn this argument around. If you want to work with a union, why don't you choose a hospital that already has one to work at? Probably for the same reasons that people who do not like unions work in hospitals with unions. ...
  14. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    Please, the problem is not specific to painters Unions The CNA is mailing all kinds of propaganda claiming CVHP is denying the will of the nurses and that they are making false accusations, yet they never mention what the accusations are... funny tha...
  15. My hospital took my March Madness away from me.

    Gambling is illegal... Most office pools are gambling, and therefore are illegal but what the boss doesnt know about.... I think it was a bit much to have had the brackets on the intranet and maybe he is mad that UK is only an 8 seed with a 21-12 rec...
  16. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    The problem with the CNA moving in on another union turf is the same when any union takes over. The propaganda and promises that are spewed sound so wonderful. They always leave out the fact that you are about to support leftists with political contr...
  17. Qt1 LPN student..took nutrition final today.=(

    I just noticed that your location is FT Hood, I was stationed there...left in 04 Hubby 1st Cav or 4th ID
  18. Qt1 LPN student..took nutrition final today.=(

    Best of Luck to you... and your husband as well!
  19. Medicare For All H.R. 676

  20. Z-coil shoes

    My wife has a pair and swears by them, and is encouraging me to get a pair as well.
  21. Question about union and being suspended

    If you truely feel that you were suspended for union activity or attempts at union activity you need to contact the NLRB in your area. National Labor Relations Board There are several issues, and while I am only hearing your side of the story... I su...
  22. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    Even though it is off the topic of the threadHasnt been a republican president or congress for the entire last 22 and 28 years. I think that a step back and critical evaluation of the politics for the last 3 decades, and I would suggest that you go b...
  23. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    That is a lovely emotional appeal, but a family of three or four making minimum wage does not have a tax burden, or at least a federal one. If they pay taxes in, they get it back.
  24. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his need?
  25. Raids on members causing high fever in nurse unions

    So again, why wouldn't the unions want to represent those that want to be represented by them be represented, and those that do not...not be represented. To me, it all boils down to choice. I am pretty much anti-union, there is little doubt to that, ...