
bagladyrn RN


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All Content by bagladyrn

  1. Non-HCA Travel Assignment Florida

    I have done non HCA as well as HCA hospitals in FL in that area with Cross Country Travcorps.
  2. Would you report possible diversion?

    Do I understand correctly that he is asking you to waste with him a narcotic drawn up (not in the original sealed vial)? If so I'd be very wary of putting my name on this as you have no way of verifying what you are wasting.
  3. After an IM, vitals to be assessed after 15 min

    Think about this. What are the types of allergic reactions? What are the signs of each type of reactions? Now, which of these signs might you see while assessing vital signs? Thinking this through for yourself is part of the process of learning. Po...
  4. how do i know a unit is closing

    When you notice management individuals taking time off repeatedly during the week days there's a good chance they are interviewing elsewhere before the unit closes. If you notice that supplies are not being restocked, equipment is not being kept up a...
  5. EFM strips and storage

    If your facility stores paper strips be aware that they need to be stored in a climate controlled place. The paper is heat sensitive and if the temp gets too high they will be black from beginning to end. I knew a hospital that lost years of records ...
  6. Florida girl goin to Alaska

    Pretty much anything you can buy as clothing in FL won't be suitable in Alaska. I'd suggest going online to L.L. Bean or LandsEnd for clothing. (from another Floridian currently in NH)
  7. Underage drinking question? please help

    Would like to suggest to the OP and anyone who thinks drinking (underage or not) and getting behind the wheel of a car is "no biggie" - go to General Nursing and read the post "Even the stoic have their breaking point". I know the OP said that she wa...
  8. Lumpy abdomen following vag delivery?

    Was it the fundus itself that felt "lumpy"? I have found that if there are clots in the uterus the fundus may feel lumpy rather than smoothly rounded. With fundal massage the clots may be expelled and the fundus will feel normal.
  9. ADN and travel?

    I have worked multiple contracts in CT, NH, and ME With an ADN.
  10. jury duty

    Talk to your company. Mine has a standard letter they can send out explaining the situation and requesting deferral of jury duty.
  11. SROM question

    when I posted the question it was to encourage the students to see if they could come up with the answer. I try to lead without spoon feeding.
  12. SROM question

    What would be a sign of cord prolapse? What would the fetal heart rate do and why?
  13. SROM question

    You can answer this if you think about what happens with SROM. Hint- what else could come out besides the fluid?
  14. Actively bleeding patient

    what good will the blood volume do if it's not moving (circulating)?
  15. Weed and work.

    I will give you one - me. I work in OB. My patient had a precipitous delivery, delivering before the doctor arrived. This required an incident report. Because I was involved in an incident I was required to take a urine drug screen. Just goes to show...
  16. Age-slapped in the face!

    At one hospital at which I did a contract there was a dunkin donuts in the lobby. Every evening I would stop and get my coffee there. One time I was running late and left the house without makeup. For the first time, without asking, the young girl be...
  17. Full time working moms - how do you manage it?

    Consider night shift. You sleep while your kids are in school and are awake and available in the afternoon after school hours.
  18. So fed up with my coworker

    By the time you are my age you will have many incidents on which to look back in embarrassment. Forgive yourself, change the behavior and it will help you to be understanding when others do something to put their foot in it.
  19. Where will I have the least amount of contact with men?

    Forget about OB/L&D. Fathers/male partners are part of the family and deserve consideration and inclusion in the care and teaching about their new baby. If you are too uncomfortable to interact with them appropriately it would not be a good situa...
  20. Oh, you quirky night shifter you!

    That's how you end up with blisters from neck to heels! Six hours sleeping face down on the beach - never again!
  21. Oh, you quirky night shifter you!

    You described me perfectly! 34 years on nights. Someday I'm going to be that old lady in the geriatric unit sitting in the chair by the nurses station all night because she will NOT sleep!
  22. Why is EFM cert. a requirement for L an D

    While keeping up with new technology and the latest terminology and techniques is of great importance, don't disdain the skills and knowledge base of the old OB nurses. Their skills and experience can be invaluable. Remember that they have been safel...
  23. Why is EFM cert. a requirement for L an D

    The problem of many of the older nurses may not be lack of knowledge of fetal monitoring and the implications for the fetus and mother but instead the new terminology which was put into use a few years back. The new terminology does not directly cor...
  24. In all this conversation I have seen no one address the other issue of a contract - one's moral obligation to keep their word. I agree to remain at a job for "X" amount of time for certain specified benefits. As long as the other party fulfills thei...
  25. Divorced due to nursing career?

    Your partner trying to control you in this way is a red flag. He should be encouraging you to do what you think best for you. If he is threatening to leave you if you don't "obey" what will be the next thing he uses this threat for? Please think lo...