PANurseRN1 replied to HeartsOpenWide's topic in General Nursing
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that most M/S depts are dreadfully understaffed, with high pt acuities, and then asking the nurses to be responsible for students to just...
I did recently write an abuser up. I can overlook a good deal, but that particular episode was more than I could overlook. I meant to add that another one of my tricks when dealing with "Old Yeller"...
Stories like this just warm my heart! I'm sorry the doctor was a creep, and that neither his peers nor your co-workers saw fit to stop his hissy fit. Good for you for keeping your composure. I'm...
Indeed. Tell you what cinthern, why don't you "go with" every hurtful cliche applied to new nurses. See how that works for you. Now, let's just do away with these nonsense cliches once and for all. If...
PANurseRN1 replied to Happy-ER-RN's topic in Emergency
You bet your bippy I would document that the pt was in pain and that the doctor did not order pain medication. Which, BTW, could be construed as pt abuse. Makes me glad we don't have any docs that...
Caroladybelle and rnin02 both made excellent points. If you must blame someone, blame the right person/people. This thread is yet another tirade against experienced/older nurses. When will it
I had to laugh at your post because it made me imagine how she'd fare where I work; both depts. are full of headstrong, direct communicators. Not that we're mean, but turning on the tears just...
It's just as shocking to me and many others when there are numerous threads and posts lambasting older nurses. It's unusual to see posts go in the opposite direction. That doesn't make it right, but...