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About squeakykitty

grew up in oregon, and california

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  1. I've seen some of this that is related to a specific disease, but there's things I can't even understand. I've seen demanding, and I've seen incredibly nice people in the nursing
  2. HEY!!! I heard
  3. What have other nurses done that have freaked you out?

    kathy, i totally agree with you. they don't belong anywhere else but behind prison walls, in my
  4. What have other nurses done that have freaked you out?

    I TRULY hope this person is not a nurse now. Did he ever get reported? Speaking of wasting time---this one totally wasted his nursing school instructors time, as well as his employers time. How...
  5. After finding out for the umpteenth time that this pt. is not really in pain, and doesn't want a pain pill, I think I'd step back where they both could see me and would be giving both pt. and PITA...
  6. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    I do know if anyone tried that kind of manipulation with me-------(the results are not going to be
  7. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    ICK! Now that's too much
  8. It's FRUSTRATING that....

    The only reform I'm with is smacking "selfish entitled" people upside the head. I personally think it would be cheaper in the long run than what the government is trying to come up with. (I have...
  9. It's FRUSTRATING that....

    This should be in the letters to the editor section in every newspaper in the
  10. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    What surprises me is why would anyone allow
  11. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    Actually a person can catch one there. I think I've heard about genital warts in one somewhere here at
  12. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    Ick!!! Makes a person wonder about some
  13. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    I don't think I even WANT to
  14. Strange things found on (or in) a pt.

    Amazing how clumsy people can be when they're in the
  15. To me, there is abuse there. Maybe you can talk to the SW's supervisor. That is just messed up on so many levels.If it was a 12 year old girl having to wipe her fathers butt, I'm sure there would be a...