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About Dasher002

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  1. Is adolescents what you originally applied for or? Did you hear back after the interview
  2. The video is for the adult hospital. Did you apply to that? The application for the children's hospital is
  3. Your job sounds more like subacute , I'm not sure but I would guess once you have one year of experience you might have a better chance at in patient jobs. Keep
  4. Should I take the job even knowing it's unsafe?

    I am in a similar position as you! I haven't been able to find a job and I was recently offered a job in hospital with a really bad reputation. A Facebook group of nurses continually comments about...
  5. Prime healthcare hospitals

    Did you take the job? Was it St Francis? I was offered a job there too and not sure if I should do it. I've done tons of searching about the area and hospital. Obviously a lot of bad reviews. I'm...
  6. Is DOU the same as observation 8100? Thought they were different m. DOU is more of a step down. Which one was your interview
  7. Congrats! When is your interview? anyone interviewed or contacted from
  8. Anyone get an interview with Observation yet? Wonder if that's it or if they'll still
  9. No not yet , hope they're still contacting
  10. Anyone called for observation
  11. Check your status online. I just saw mine changed to "interviews" No call yet
  12. Has anyone had a Change in status? Where it says "interviews" with the unit next to
  13. Has anyone received an interview
  14. Oh really, interesting. When did you receive a rejection? I did the video interview question but that's it so
  15. Has anyone heard anything for the Loma Linda location campus for interviews? Or had online status change to "interviews" with the unit