

Surgical/Trauma ICU

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About 507Nurse

507Nurse has 7 years experience and specializes in Surgical/Trauma ICU.

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  1. Midwestern University CRNA 2025 start

    I got an email regarding the status update but I'm sure what to put for my temporary pin... nothing I put down is
  2. I reached out to the team once I found out I was wait listed but haven't since then. I did apply to other schools, but this was the only one I was waitlisted for and my top choice of school. I really...
  3. Anyone on the waitlist hear back yet? Fingers crossed but not holding my
  4. Did everyone get
  5. I was also waitlisted.... Disappointed but it is what it is. Wish they said where you stood on the waitlist
  6. I'm also still waiting for an email... I'm guessing they may mail a denial
  7. Congrats to those who received an interview. I still haven't received an email with a yes or
  8. Mayo Clinic(didn't get an interview), University of Minnesota (interviewing next week), MSA (didn't get an interview), Mount Marty, Saint Mary's, and Lacrosse. Midwestern when the application window...
  9. I've also applied. Patiently waiting. I think you both have applied to all the same schools I have
  10. I also applied and I've heard
  11. For those of you who applied last year, did you put all your course info from your undergrad into the "ACADEMIC EVALUATION
  12. I was offered an interview via email and I registered for a date and time. Anyone else offered an interview? I was told it was pretty laid back and the questions are based on emotional intelligence...
  13. For those of you who were offered an interview, what were your stats prior to applying (GPA, length in ICU, committee involvement, certifications)
  14. Hey All, I just joined the community and I'm looking for some insight. I've been a nurse for the last 5yrs with 3yrs in a level 1 surgical/trauma unit. My undergrad GPA is 3.0(which I know is...