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About Guest1209923

Latest Activity

  1. Glad to be here with you guys!

    Hi Universe, Glad to see your post. Congratulations on 17 months in! I did notice there's not much traffic on this board, and I believe it is for the reason you mentioned. I have been going...
  2. + TPAPN Experience

  3. PNAP

    TL, Your message gave me so much hope! I really mean that. I know that the years will pass anyways and now is the youngest I will ever be. It makes sense to not give up and keep at it. I know if...
  4. PNAP

    I relate very much to your experience. Are you still active on this forum? I am thinking no one out there is going through this but
  5. Attending AA meeting

    I think Smart is a better
  6. Need Advice On Texas App. for Licensure & History of Addiction

    Hi I have some question about