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All Content by ivycee

  1. Anyone apply to the CCBC Fall 2024 semester? I'm desperately waiting to hear back from them!
  2. Hi everyone, I posted a previous topic titled CCBC Fall 2024, but I meant Spring! Did anyone apply for the Spring 2024 semester at CCBC? It's already October, so I'm expecting decision emails to be sent out soon! Also, did anyone else ...
  3. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best as well!
  4. Same, it's not showing up in my "Pay my bill" portal. If it doesn't work by tomorrow, I'd try emailing them or try to pay in person.
  5. I GOT THE EMAILLLL!! Congratulations to everyone and may your nursing journey go as smoothly as possible! Everyone who applied to Catonsville Day, I shall see you guys soon! If you'd like to connect, feel free to send me a pm! Good luck everyone!
  6. Still waiting! Even though there's a seat fee, I just feel like an email just makes it more official LOL
  7. Congratulations!! ?
  8. Congratulations!!
  9. Congratulations!! OMG don't say that! I'll start overthinking again ?
  10. Congratulations!! All that stress was worth it LOL
  11. Congratulations!! ?
  12. Go to Simon, under Students, select Account Detail for Term, hit Pay Now, you should see an amount under Spring 2024!
  13. Hi! Congratulations! Thanks for letting us all know. I just checked mine, and if the seat fee is $200, then I got it too!
  14. Good morning! Hoping today is the day! ??
  15. I agree, but it is what it is, and all we can do is wait. If I see anything, I'll be sure to post on here.
  16. Nothing. I'm starting to lose hope that we'll hear from them today. I think offices close at 5pm.
  17. Sorry, sorry! ? My heart almost dropped when I got an email notification, but it was just an email from one of my classes. Any minute now, I hope!
  18. Mine says "decision made, email to follow" as well ? I'm going to break my refresh button with the amount of times I've clicked on it.
  19. False alarm everyone, I was looking at the 2023 catalog. Definitely losing my marbles ?
  20. Okay, so I know I'm probably just going insane, but if you browse the Spring 2024 semester for nursing courses at Catonsville campus, many of the morning classes are filled with maybe a few seats still remaining. I'm assuming this means they've alrea...
  21. Hi! I'm glad I'm not the only one LOL. Hoping we all get in!
  22. You're kidding! It HAS to be tomorrow, I'm going crazy. I also keep worrying about the shp supp app and what if that's the reason I don't make the cut. Yikes! Will check back in tomorrow if I see anything!
  23. Hi! Tell me about it! They have us all on edge at this point. Hoping we all hear good news soon!
  24. Haha, I knew that's what she would tell me, but it was worth a shot anyways. The issue for me is that I never received the email to sign up for the SHP supp app through Simon because I originally had the wrong email listed, so I have no idea. W...