Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) Spring 2024

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Hi everyone,

I posted a previous topic titled CCBC Fall 2024, but I meant Spring!

Did anyone apply for the Spring 2024 semester at CCBC? It's already October, so I'm expecting decision emails to be sent out soon!

Also, did anyone else not know about the supplemental SHP application under Simon? I called and asked if it would affect my application, but they said no. Even though it says under the supplemental SHP application that "Your program application cannot be processed if you do not complete this step", so I'm freaking out!

Hey, I also applied for the Spring 2024 Catonsville days program. I applied on 7/16 and have been waiting for the 6-8 week decision period as well. I did the SHP application under simon but heard nothing special from it. I would say if you got the email saying that your application was being viewed a few weeks back then you should be fine.

maegen_h said:

Hey, I also applied for the Spring 2024 Catonsville days program. I applied on 7/16 and have been waiting for the 6-8 week decision period as well. I did the SHP application under simon but heard nothing special from it. I would say if you got the email saying that your application was being viewed a few weeks back then you should be fine.

Unfortunately, I forgot to put the 'md' part of my email in SHP CAS and just fixed it last month. I also called about that, and the lady who answered said there wasn't any important emails prior to me fixing it. So I'm just completely left out in the dark until decision e-mails are sent out.  

Hoping we both make the cut! 

I'm hoping we both do too. How's your GPA and TEAS ? Any prerequisites left?

ivycee said:

Unfortunately, I forgot to put the 'md' part of my email in SHP CAS and just fixed it last month. I also called about that, and the lady who answered said there wasn't any important emails prior to me fixing it. So I'm just completely left out in the dark until decision e-mails are sent out.  

Hoping we both make the cut! 

I'm hoping we both do too. How's your GPA and TEAS ? Any prerequisites left?

maegen_h said:

I'm hoping we both do too. How's your GPA and TEAS ? Any prerequisites left?

I'm hoping we both do too. How's your GPA and TEAS ? Any prerequisites left?

My overall GPA isn't superb because of past courses in interior design, but I'm done with all prereqs. I have an A in AP1, C in AP2, B in Micro, and my TEAS was an 80.

How about yourself?

ivycee said:

My overall GPA isn't superb because of past courses in interior design, but I'm done with all prereqs. I have an A in AP1, C in AP2, B in Micro, and my TEAS was an 80.

How about yourself?

My GPA is a 3.02, my reading score on the TEAS was an 81%. The overall was a 72% I didn't do too great on the science part, but still scored average there. Thank goodness they only loo at overall and individual reading. A&P I got a B, I got a C in A&P II. In Microbiology now. My advisor said she thinks I stand a good chance. I'm still really nervous though.

maegen_h said:

My GPA is a 3.02, my reading score on the TEAS was an 81%. The overall was a 72% I didn't do too great on the science part, but still scored average there. Thank goodness they only loo at overall and individual reading. A&P I got a B, I got a C in A&P II. In Microbiology now. My advisor said she thinks I stand a good chance. I'm still really nervous though.

That's not bad at all! My advisor said the same thing, so let's hope for the best! But I get it, I'm a nervous wreck too. At this point I'm just overly stressing about every little thing and not knowing when we hear from them isn't helping. 

Are you only taking micro this semester? Do you plan on applying to the ATB program once you're in the program?

ivycee said:

That's not bad at all! My advisor said the same thing, so let's hope for the best! But I get it, I'm a nervous wreck too. At this point I'm just overly stressing about every little thing and not knowing when we hear from them isn't helping. 

Are you only taking micro this semester? Do you plan on applying to the ATB program once you're in the program?

I'd considered the ATB program, I did statistics and nutrition to prepare, but I changed my mind and decided to do the ADN and then finish my bachelor portion online. Stevenson has a RN-BSN program and an RN- MSN program you can complete completely online. The RN-BSN is 16 months. I figure I could be working as an RN while doing that. But yes, I'm stressing out about it. Trying not to buy this is a career change for me and admission means a lot to me.

maegen_h said:

I'd considered the ATB program, I did statistics and nutrition to prepare, but I changed my mind and decided to do the ADN and then finish my bachelor portion online. Stevenson has a RN-BSN program and an RN- MSN program you can complete completely online. The RN-BSN is 16 months. I figure I could be working as an RN while doing that. But yes, I'm stressing out about it. Trying not to buy this is a career change for me and admission means a lot to me.

That's a good idea. Plus, you'd have your foot in the door already and gain experience. I'm also considering it, so I'm currently taking nutrition and stats. 

I guess stressing is a part of the process at this point ? But we got this! Last Spring, I think they got the email on the 10th.

What career are you currently in, if you don't mind me asking? 

ivycee said:

That's a good idea. Plus, you'd have your foot in the door already and gain experience. I'm also considering it, so I'm currently taking nutrition and stats. 

I guess stressing is a part of the process at this point ? But we got this! Last Spring, I think they got the email on the 10th.

What career are you currently in, if you don't mind me asking? 

I noticed the date from last year. 8 weeks to the day. I also noticed that for the last two semesters there hasn't been much motion on these threads. I've heard that applications may be coming in a bit lighter. So I'm hoping that helps me with competing against the 4.0 GPAs. I also heard that the night program is more competitive than days as the have fewer spots. Fingers crossed, prayers up...all that stuff. 
I work in healthcare on the administrative side. I've done that on and off since I was 19. I was also a CNA back in the day. I'm 35 now, my first degree is in culinary arts so this is a career change completely.

maegen_h said:

I noticed the date from last year. 8 weeks to the day. I also noticed that for the last two semesters there hasn't been much motion on these threads. I've heard that applications may be coming in a bit lighter. So I'm hoping that helps me with competing against the 4.0 GPAs. I also heard that the night program is more competitive than days as the have fewer spots. Fingers crossed, prayers up...all that stuff. 
I work in healthcare on the administrative side. I've done that on and off since I was 19. I was also a CNA back in the day. I'm 35 now, my first degree is in culinary arts so this is a career change completely.

Yes! I got so excited when I saw your message. I would search for a recent thread here and there but nothing, so I decided to make one, and I'm glad I did!  I agree, I'm also worried about how I compare to other applicants but hoping for the best as well. 

I would've never guessed culinary, that's awesome! I'm sure all the experience and connections being in healthcare already will benefit you once you're done the ADN. I'm actually 28, and I got my CNA license a few years back in DE but never used it because I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue pursuing nursing, but here I am. 

Yeah, that was my first love. Still do it from time to time. As it keeps me grounded. 
CNAs make the best nurses in my opinion. So I'm sure we'll be great.  
I started checking for my seat fee today. Nothing yet.

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