Hoping LVN2BSN

Hoping LVN2BSN

Registry, all over the place

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About Hoping LVN2BSN

Hoping LVN2BSN has 1 years experience and specializes in Registry, all over the place.

I'm still looking!

Latest Activity

  1. No She/he Did Not!!!

    I know this is old, but
  2. Pre Lpn Program

    I think it's a very good idea to do all the things you mentioned. The more you know going in can't hurt. Hang in there once you get in, it'll be hard, but you can do it. I graduated in February, I...
  3. ? about Pt. ratios and Registry LVN's

    I'm a new grad, working registry in California. I've been working registry now for three months with no problems until last night. I arrived at a facility I worked many times for on a unit I've worked...
  4. Does this end my nursing path??.(grades)

    If you want to be a nurse, I don't think you should take your sights off that because you've had a hiccup. If this is really what you want to do, you'll regret going another way later on. Do you...
  5. LPN to BSN at UOP.....

    www.phoenix.edu has all of the campuses, you can scroll through and see what programs are offered where. I'm not sure about your area, but according to an admission advisor, the campus in California...
  6. Refresher Course in the San Diego area

    congratulations!:balloons: (i love your screenname) grossmont has lvn refresher, the other's probably don't, but they may be able to point you in the right direction. here are a few: rn and lvn...
  7. Waiting on my LPN license

    If you mailed it on 4/9, it should have been up for a while now. I would call them to see what's
  8. I know it's early, I just got my LVN license, but I like to be prepared and plan ahead as much as I can. My next step is to complete requirements for my BSN, I currently have a 3.8 GPA and will be...
  9. Erikson and the stage of integrity vs despair

    Hi Meloney, I remember being taught that sometimes people this age usually remember much earlier memories (childhood) than adult memories. Though they spent much more time with their children during...
  10. RN student - can I challenge the LVN/LPN NCLEX?

  11. Do you think she weighed my child wrong?

    I think that's okay, my daughter weighed 19 pounds when she was 1 (5 pounds at birth), she turned 2 yesterday and weighs in at a whooping 27 pounds. She eats plenty and is developing normally, I...
  12. Lpn License

    Nope, you won't. I mailed mine on May 2nd, the day I got my results, they still haven't cashiered my MONEY ORDER! I sent them that instead of a check because I thought it would be faster. Anyway, I...
  13. Getting Nervous

    I think everyone feels that way, once you get closer and closer we get to being on our own the more apprehensive we are. I started to feel it a little when I graduated, now that I'm waiting on a...
  14. RN student - can I challenge the LVN/LPN NCLEX?

    CA BRN allows students that haven't graduated to take the NCLEX-RN. National University allows you to take the RN exam without graduating, only problem with that is when you do that you'll be a...
  15. Waiting On Nclex Pn Results!

    Hopefully you'll have a surprise in your mailbox today! Don't scream to