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All Content by morahan

  1. Med Math and Calculators

    I am curious to know what your opinion is on whether or not students should be allowed to use calculators during their med math tests. My experience with students is that they are raised on computers and have had easy access to calculators since abou...
  2. On-line RN to BSN

    I'm teaching an "intro to professional nursing" class on-line in the fall. The program was just approved, and I'll be the first teaching on-line. Does anyone have any sites, syllabi, anything that could help me? I don't have a clue how to do this...
  3. On-line RN to BSN

    Thank you for the tips. I teach in a traditional BSN program and was underloaded so they gave me this assignment as well! I wish I could say it was something other than that. With the push to go online, I'm sure you could find something. Try Phoen...
  4. I am teaching first semester BSN students their health assessment class. Our evaluation tools only say S, NI, or U when it comes to thier performance evaluations. I am looking for a more descriptive evaluation (like rubrics) to utilize. Does anyone h...
  5. Post clincal conference topic ideas

    I try and do some practice NCLEX questions that relate to what was covered in theory.
  6. Hi, new educator

    So, no more Grains?