Nursing Assessment Performance Rubric


I am teaching first semester BSN students their health assessment class. Our evaluation tools only say S, NI, or U when it comes to thier performance evaluations. I am looking for a more descriptive evaluation (like rubrics) to utilize. Does anyone have anything like that to share?

i am teaching first semester bsn students their health assessment class. our evaluation tools only say s, ni, or u when it comes to thier performance evaluations. i am looking for a more descriptive evaluation (like rubrics) to utilize. does anyone have anything like that to share?

what about developing critical elements organized based on your class objectives?


if systems based, each system would be further divided in applicable physical assessment techniques for particular system , e.g. inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation.

scoring can be in #10, 20, etc. elements (easier to grade for passing % score).

=/> 75% satisfactory; 70-74% needs improvment; below 70% unsatisfactory.

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

This site has some very useful information :)

Department of Nursing Clinical

I have visited VickyRN's recommended site for nursing assessment performance rubrics and I found it helpful. But I have a different problem:

I am a new clinical instructor and I am at a loss about how to assess the case demonstrations of my students.

Is there anybody out there who can help me, please?

Thank you so much.


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