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About LittleRN

LittleRN specializes in ICU.

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  1. Investigative File

    Hi, there is an active investigation of my license for diversion of a fentanyl. Someone at work saw me take it. Hr called me in. Explained what happened, I couldn't get an order for another patient so I made the wrong choice to cut corners. I confess...
  2. Investigative File

    Hi y'All, For those of you that have been reported to the BON/DOH for violation of Nurse Practice Act, specifically diversion of a controlled substance, what is to be expected when the BON turns over the "investigative file"? My attorney told m...
  3. BONs not taking action against violations?

    I wonder if it has anything to do with the pandemic
  4. BONs not taking action against violations?

    Is this in the state of Florida?
  5. INP vs Fighting with a Lawer

    Congrats to you!! I am also in Florida. Wpuld love to speak w you privately. Can u provide your email?
  6. IPN Finally got my contract.

    @messedupbigtimewhat did you use to cleanse your hair?
  7. I wish a good outcome for you. I did something similar, stole some fentanyl for another patient that was in excrutiating pain. Someone saw me and narcd me out. Like an idiot, I confessed to HR. I did not self report to BON or IPN. Just waiting anxiou...
  8. How did you get your changes dismissed?
  9. So sorry. Did you recieve a letter from BON already? Do you know for sure that a complaint was filed? Did they suspect and then look through videos? It doesn't seem like your lawyer wants to fight for you.
  10. What state are you in? And how did they discover this?
  11. IPN Finally got my contract.

    OP, What cleanse did you use for your hair?
  12. Looking to hear your experience

    Hi y'All, For those of you that have been reported to the BON/DOH for violation of Nurse Practice Act, specifically diversion of a controlled substance, please tell me your experience going the IPN route vs hiring legal counseling. What was the...
  13. how can I get a hold of you privately? How can I get a hold of you privately?
  14. I did the same thing except I pulled a bit from an IV bag to give to another patient cause the doctors were slacking. Someone ratted me out. For some odd reason I confessed in HR when I was questioned and resigned. I've spoken to so may lawyer and ha...
  15. Please share your feedback/experience of using an attorney to help defend your license or lessen disciplinary action vs voluntarily submitting yourself to IPN. Any stories, info, experiences and feedback are so greatly appreciated. I'm tormented. Can...