
Lunatunagirl CNA

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All Content by Lunatunagirl

  1. Can I make it in?

    Im in the UP of Michigan.
  2. Bringing up an old thread but wondering if you wouldn't mind telling me which hospital this is? Is this in the Eau Claire area? I was looking through threads for CRNA and IndiCRNA (hasn't been active for year) mentions half his CRNA class was from th...
  3. Scared To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation

    I would ask in person how they think you did, like NICU guys said. Then let them know you enjoyed this position and plan to pursue it and that it would mean a lot to have a rec letter from them. Good luck!
  4. How to have the Military help pay for nursing school. Please help

    I would talk with a recruiter about your options. If you go guard or reserve I believe every state pays different amounts for your schools. I was in the Air Force and looked into the nursing program they have for enlisted members. Pretty sure you hav...
  5. Can I make it in?

    I'd say you have a chance depending on your school. Every school is different so you should check what your school requirements are. My school only cared about us getting an 80% in anat and phys and having a certain GPA. Also depends on how competiti...
  6. Will I Have a Chance?

    Deff check with the school you plan to attend. My school changed it recently that you have to have and 80% in Anat and Phys to be considered. Chemistry also wasn't a pre req.