
Charlcie BSN, RN

Travel Nurse, All ICU specialties and ED

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All Content by Charlcie

  1. Texas Abortion Law

    I wanted to open up dialogue about the law passed in Texas this week. It essentially made any abortion after detection of fetal heartbeat illegal. This can be as early as 6 weeks, before the pregnant person is even aware of the pregnancy. I am ...
  2. I have had trouble understanding the victim card the posters you're talking about consistently play. They claim to want "open professional dialogue" but when someone doesn't agree with them and provides a matter of fact explanation why, they then cal...
  3. Covid Vaccine Given Too High On Arm

    Looks good to me. Some vaccines cause more site reaction and soreness than others which I think can make us pay more attention to where the injection went.
  4. Having Trouble Following The Narrative

    I must have missed people making fun of patients? The stories I have read are people reacting to absurd situations in public settings. Those are not "patients"... That's like saying laughing at those crazy "people of walmart" pictures is bullying.
  5. Using Your Nursing Credentials to Validate Anti-Vaxxer Theories

    Because it is not a "government narrative" to encourage wearing masks and getting vaccinated. It's what the current evidence suggests. We are almost 2 years in and many posters on this thread (and allllllllll the others about covid) have shared data ...
  6. Explaining the Unexplainable

    I've had covid and although it wasn't fun it wasn't terrible. I got vaccinated because that isn't the case for everyone, and I want to do my part to protect other people. Most people advocating for vaccination are not doing so because they are scared...
  7. Newsweek Article: Providers let patients die?!

    This just got more insane the more I read! I wanna know what happened to him after he got home! I feel like even if he does die at home on "the protocol" his family will still find a way to blame it on his time in the hospital
  8. Pregnancy after COVID vaccine?

    The research posted above is a great source, as is your PCP. If it helps I am a traveler and have made many friends who got pregnant after their covid vaccines. 1 was an "oops" after her 1st shot and she got fully vaxxed and she and baby were healthy...
  9. Nurses Promoting COVID Misinformation

    Many of the people spreading misinformation do not believe the current research. So in 10 years what is going to change? If the vaccine is declared safe with zero long term effects are those spreading propaganda going to get vaccinated? I have my dou...
  10. How many unvaccinated coworkers are you aware of?

    I don't think anyone was arguing that. I was speaking to something that was said prior. I work ER and ICU and do them all the time and I agree it takes all of a few seconds and I knock it out As far as the other part of your comment I can only ...
  11. How many unvaccinated coworkers are you aware of?

    I think you missed the point of @toomuchbaloney s . ER nurses wouldnt be swamped and rushing if we didn't have swarms of people in the ER for a virus that is preventable with a vaccine. Sorry if I misinterpreted.
  12. Covid Abuse!

    This was at a public pharmacy. If you've ever gotten a vaccine in the outpatient setting you literally have to fill out a consent form or they won't administer it. Most of the time you even need to make an appointment. I can't see a situation where t...
  13. Nurses Promoting COVID Misinformation

    yes and it gets removed but I'm sure plenty of people see it first.
  14. Were you a bully in high school?

    I've heard this as well! Do you think it is bc nursing is such a large profession (aka more people in the profession = more likely that someone can notice their bully is now a nurse?)
  15. What exactly IS an "Anti Vaxxer"?

    The mild illness argument is really offensive to me. The point of vaccination is to achieve herd immunity so the poor souls who WILL get seriously sick if they get COVID have a better chance of survival. Also so our healthcare system can sustain the ...
  16. Using Your Nursing Credentials to Validate Anti-Vaxxer Theories

    People don't even have common sense not to spread it when they have symptoms. I was in line at the pharmacy and the lady in front of me was like "When can I get the covid vaccine? I just left the hospital and they said I have it so I have to wait bef...
  17. No I don't feel guilty and I don't pick up extra. I love my colleagues and wouldn't expect anyone to give up their time off to come in (unless they really wanted to or need the money or whatever). Time off is very important for physical and emotional...
  18. Nurses Promoting COVID Misinformation

    I'm from texas too and a former colleague of mine has a MASSIVE (100s of thousands) following on instagram and frequently posts misinformation. When I read this I immediately pictured my former colleague.
  19. Pushed by quacks, use of Ivermectin is poisoning people

    I was thinking the same thing. Everyone deserves to have a voice in their care and if that is what they want, even after being educated extensively then that's what they should do. save the bed for someone who wants to be treated.
  20. Unvaccinated: Indefensible

    From that article it seems like washington is being conservative with accepting patients so they can conserve beds. Have ya'll had to send any patients there ?
  21. Unvaccinated: Indefensible

    Thanks for sharing. I was wondering how states who's leaders and citizens actively worked to curb the pandemic would respond when their neighbor states became overwhelmed with cases.
  22. That article was disgusting. I like how admin is crying about nurses finally refusing to be treated like garbage LOL
  23. Termination From Employer For Refusing EUV

    I'm not trying to elicit an emotional response. Yes I have read the nuremburg code and as long as people aren't forced against their will to receive the vaccine there is no violation. Employers can choose to mandate the vaccine, and employees can cho...
  24. Yes, I'm Vaxxed But...

    I don't know what the current state numbers are but in our ICU 9/10 aren't vaccinated. The ones that come in vaccinated and positive are either a) immunocompromised (I.e. got vaccinated but can't produce the appropriate response) b) only got one of t...
  25. I cant be a nurse anymore

    Have you considered nursing informatics? depending on the job you can work from home or in a less interactive role still in the hospital. I have some friends who love it. Another poster mentioned private care nursing, which could involve a geriatric ...