

LTC, Other

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About BRemus

BRemus has 6 years experience and specializes in LTC, Other.

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  1. Completed my RN-BSN program....

    congrats. I am just starting my RN-BSN also all online it will take me a while I have to pay for it myself but I will get
  2. please help MDS Coordinators

    you have to look at the overall picture of the resident and whether or not the situation is limited like a resident who is normally ambualatory and gets the flu during their assessment window and...
  3. Sound like a good job offer?

    if it something you are interested in doing and the drive isnt too much then I would say go for it now days it is becoming more difficult for nurses with no MDS experience to get in to the field. So...
  4. assessments

    did you do a quartely with your readmission/return MDS as the resident would have been due for their first quarterly which on med a res I usually combine with my 90 day assess or in this case i would...
  5. Why Does Everyone Hate Florida So Much??

    Well I for one dont get it I decided to move to florida in march so I visited for the first time in june and I loved it. My son and I moved to florida in july and so far it is awesome I was able to...
  6. Nova Southeastern Fort Myers Campus

    i am not sure where in fort myers the school is as i havent moved there yet but i am moving into an apartment complex called Gulf Stream Isles that is in fort myers it was recommended to me by a...
  7. Help with FLA licensing

    it took me about a month start to finish to get my florida license. i printed off the app and mailed it in with a money order total cost for fingerprint cards, fingerprinting, license verification,...
  8. I too just got my florida license it took 1 week after all the paperwork arrived at the board and i had my license about three days after my letter and got my letter the day after i got an email. Now...
  9. Best/ Worst Places to Work Near Punta Gorda.

    I too am in the process of getting my florida license and have probably spent close to 400 in fees and postage. I am seeing alot of jobs but most wont even respond until you have the florida license...
  10. RAPs

    so what exactly is your question? When I write raps I start my rap by writing what triggered the rap and then i write out my reasoning as to why I do or do not agree with the trigger and whether or...
  11. travel nurse resume

    Well since as a travel nurse you technically work for the agency. I would put the agency down and then list the different departments you worked as well as pertinent clinical skills. In an interview...
  12. Jobless and Frustrated

    where in minnesota do you live? have you considered anything besides hospital work (like home health, Assisted living, agency nursing(esp with you ltc
  13. Life Insurance/Long Term Care Insurance Assessments

    where do you live? I do know of one company in minnesota. I would like to get into casemanagement but am having difficulty finding a company that doesnt require a
  14. ltc facilities

    if you go to you can do a nursing home compare and that will give you all the LTC in whatever city or area you are looking
  15. Minnesota Roll Call

    I am an RN and work as the MDS Coordinator at a facility in North Branch and I have lived in Minnesota my whole life right now I hate it because I am tired of being cold. Would like to move south but...