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All Content by Bree531

  1. When accepting the spot, all I have to do is sign this form of Academic History and send it in, right? Is there some other acceptance form I’m missing?
  2. Yes, I applied to NWCC and was accepted. Fingers crossed that you get off the wait list! 4 seems like a pretty good number!
  3. I believe they do.
  4. Because it’s not technically part of the program requirements, even though we did need the class to get into other classes.
  5. Brook This is not in response to this post but some of your earlier posts: Where/when did you take Micro & the A&Ps? If it was at NWCC I wonder if we were in any classes together
  6. I met with an advisor last year, who works out all the rankings for nursing applicants, and she said she only factors in pre- and co- requisites into the nursing GPA. The nursing packet states this as well. So, for example, I took Bio as a pre-req...
  7. Hi All, I applied to Northwestern for next year’s start. Fingers crossed for getting in as it’s so competitive. If I don’t make it I’ll probably try for CCC for the next application period. Good luck to all.
  8. Clinicals at CCC or NCCC

    Hi All, I’m debating between applying to either NCCC or CCC in the fall for a Fall, 2022 start. Is anyone a student at either NCCC or CCC and can tell me how clinicals work? I’ve been told NCC has a stronger program, and the location i...