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About Dink75

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  1. Dink75

    Any Western Kentucky nurses?

    Stumbled onto your posts about moving to Marshall County. I have lived in Marshall County my entire life and I am working as an RN at Lourdes. If you have any questions, please let me
  2. Dink75

    Need humor on death and dying

    The best story I have is about a patient I had. He was inpatient hospice. He had been doing fairly well considering and then suddenly one afternoon, his breathing changed. His breaths became more...
  3. Dink75

    NCLEX freak out

    the great Commonwealth of Kentucky (God bless
  4. Dink75

    NCLEX freak out

    Just check BON site, I have a license number....I passed! Yeaaaaaaaaaa! :balloons: The BON had the results in 24 hours rather than waiting 48 for Pearson
  5. Dink75

    NCLEX freak out

    I'm with you! I just took the NCLEX-RN today and it stopped at 75 questions. I really had no clue after a while. I am just numb. I always scored over 1000 on any HESI I ever took. This test was...
  6. We were taught the cabbage leaf thing in nursing school. You can put them in the freezer too before putting them on in order to ease the
  7. Dink75

    How many May graduates?

    Graduated last night!!! I have Reinhart Review May 17-20. I hope to take NCLEX in about 3
  8. Dink75

    Need input please!!

    It is my opinion that difficulties and tragic events in the past shape us to be the people we are today. It is in how we react to these hardships. Does this stop you from becoming a caring...
  9. Dink75

    What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    When I worked in a LTC facility, we had the same reports of little children. Several of the residents would start asking us about who the children were. None of us ever saw any kids, but the...
  10. Dink75

    Am I too old?

    You are not too old! I was 28 when I started on my Associate Degree. I had 3 kids (aged 10, 9, and 4). The two year program actually took me three years. I had never attended college before, so I...
  11. For head lice, we use 1:1 mixture of vegetable oil and white vinegar. The oil kills the lice and the vinegar makes the nit come off the hair easier. Mix the two together in a bottle and pour on the...
  12. Dink75

    Favorite Wrist Watch?

    I use a man's watch. The face is bigger and easier to see. That way I can glance over it while watching a chest rise counting respirations and still see keep up with the seconds. It has a metal...
  13. ADN program at West Kentucky Community and Technical College
  14. Dink75

    No response!!

    A lot of the hospitals wait until about a month or so prior to graduation to start going through the stacks of resumes. Not everyone who thinks they will pass at the beginning of the semester is...
  15. Dink75

    What to wear to pinning?

    For our pinning ceremony, we are required to wear our school uniform. This is the same uniform that we wear to our clinical days. White pants or skirt with a white button-up top with our school...