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All Content by Rose126

  1. Hello everyone, I recently graduated this year and started my first nursing job in LTC. I would like to get some insight, I initially wanted to work in LTC and hospital as two part-time jobs to work more hours and gain more experience but becaus...
  2. Hello everyone, I recently graduated this year and started my first nursing job in LTC. I would like to get some insight, I initially wanted to work in LTC and hospital as two part-time jobs to work more hours and gain more experience but becaus...
  3. New Grad in LTC considering to transfer to hospital

    Thank you I appreciate the responses!! I have decided to secure this full-time offer for now and see where this will take me. I will talk with my manager and explain things well and if it's possible if I can possibly go back there to work part time a...
  4. New Grad in LTC considering to transfer to hospital

    Thank you for your response, I got an offer for a full-time position on a medicine unit. I like the LTC facility I currently employed but I work part time 8hr shifts. I want to get a hospital position since it will be like equivalent to working full-...