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All Content by Bhavneet

  1. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Hey everyone, This is a thread for everybody applying for the UFV Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program for the Fall (September) 2021 intake. We can talk about our grades and GPA's, volunteer or work experience's, other schools we're appl...
  2. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    And also to answer your question @keiraabbott I do believe the LPN application deadline was in April or something like that.
  3. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    I wanted to apply for the LPN program at UFV But I checked the requirements and it said that you need the A&P to get in which I didn’t have, I would have to take that complete it and then apply which again would be waste of time for me. I’m curre...
  4. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    The ones whose applications says not admitted was this your first time applying or second? I’m going apply again after I do my LPN now to the bridge in program because I don’t want to waste time. But that’s in like 2 years LOL
  5. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Mine says the same thing not admitted, competitive entry, good luck everyone.
  6. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Me too I’ve literally been refreshing my email every 10 minutes I need to stop. Good luck everyone(:
  7. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    I mean I do remember that they said may 11 or 12th hear back for the interviews. I guess I’m just too nervous LOL. Thank you guys!
  8. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Hey everyone, are we suppose to hear back by today for sure? I haven’t received a email yet so I’m nervous.
  9. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    It was online on zoom. I’m not sure what my exact GPA was because they look at our high school grades according to their UFV grading scale but I have 3 A’s and 1 A- according to the UFV grading scale, which would be 3A’s and 1B which was the A-. I’m...
  10. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Hey morenita, no I have not heard back yet we’re suppose to hear back by tomorrow or Wednesday so hopefully I will get an email soon!
  11. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Good luck guys!!
  12. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Ya no problem! I’m just so curious about so many things LOL. Do you think if I only wrote a page they wouldn’t accept it? I’m so scared I wrote too less in the time that was given.
  13. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    I’m not even sure, honestly I was so nervous. I only wrote like a page maybe like a sentence less. Although they said a specific amount to write but they did emphasize on that focus on how you are writing instead of how long it is. Hoping for the bes...
  14. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Yes those were the ones you got signed by your volunteer organization in the beginning it was supposed to be submitted with the additional application in the beginning. Also, let me know if we both get into the program if you wanna car pool. Just mes...
  15. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Is anyone here from surrey and will be commuting to UFV?
  16. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Goodluck to everyone who has their info session today! Hope you guys all do well?
  17. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    I actually have another question out of curiosity. Does anyone know if classes are still online or are they going back to in person in September? thank you
  18. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Thank you so much! I don’t have as good grades as you but I had like 3A’s and one High B and 2 reference letters I thought we could only give two since it only asked for two. But thank you so much.
  19. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Yes I know about the confidentiality I read it in the email that UFV sent out. I’m just referring to as how in the email they sent us a link of the skills and abilities to read so something like that. Thanks.
  20. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

  21. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    I applied for the four year one and I believe there are 32 seats for that and 16 seats for the three year fast track option. I honestly don’t even mind going for the three year one but I’m not sure how I feel about not having summers off.
  22. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Congratulations to everyone who received the email. Hope you all do well, and the ones that are still waiting keep your head up and keep updating us. I also wanted to ask if anyone knows what some good resources would be to like know what’s coming fo...
  23. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    My application hasn’t updated but they sent me a email saying info session is on April 15 4-6pm. I applied with A in everything bio 12, chem 11 and english 12 except math I believe I got a 84% in math so that’s a high B
  24. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Hey everyone, has anyone heard back yet from UFV? I got a email today for the info session.
  25. Ufv 2021 fall nursing

    Nope, still says ready for review by program