clamchopz ASN

Emergency Room

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About clamchopz

clamchopz has 5 years experience as a ASN and specializes in Emergency Room.

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  1. clamchopz

    License Renewal and name change in California

    To be on the safe side, you can renew now and then change your last name afterwards. They said I could do that too. But talk to them first. Good
  2. clamchopz

    License Renewal and name change in California

    They actually changed my name on time. I submitted my paperwork online & it took them about 2 weeks to process. Once that went through, I renewed my license & it was effective immediately. I...
  3. Hello my fellow nurses! I am seeking some advice. I got married a few years ago, before passing NCLEX, but never changed my name due to the fact that I wanted to establish a job first and/or...
  4. I used UWorld & went to a very extensive 3 month review course. At the time, it was in class, I beleive it's held in Zoom now. After class, I would review questions from UWorld relating to what...
  5. Whatever the outcome is, it's not the end of the world. I passed the NCLEX on my third try. Passing is passing and I can put RN after my signature. I hope that you passed on your first try, but...
  6. Hello everyone, I'm hoping to seek some advice. I graduated with my ADN in Dec 2015. I have a Bachelor in Science degree in another field. Shortly after graduating from nursing school, I got...
  7. I have been in your shoes before. I thought I was doing well on orientation, and towards the end, the preceptor gave nothing but negative feedback to the managers and creating a lot of anxiety for...
  8. If you feel that you can flourish with preceptor #2, then it wouldn't hurt to ask. But be sure to ask in a positive way. Say something like, "I have learned a lot from (Preceptor #1), but I heard...
  9. It does not sound terrible. It takes time to find "the right fit." Not everyone is lucky to land the ideal job first time around. And unfortunately, nurses do eat their young! We learn from every...
  10. Just do your best. That is all you can do. It is very unfair that you received negative feedback so late into the orientation and having so many inconsistent preceptors. I can see why that is so...
  11. I am so sorry that you are struggling. Never let them take your confidence away! I had a similar experience. I was hired in my dream hospital & had a bad performance review partly due to my...
  12. clamchopz

    Offered nights in first job but turned it down

    I was in a similar situation where I passed NCLEX 3 years after graduation. Life got in the way- I got married, my father passed away 4 months after that, and I had 2 miscarriages.... Passing 7 years...
  13. clamchopz

    HELP! Don't know what to do.

    @NurseBlaq Thank you! It has been rough. I needed time to grieve & screw my head on correctly before I would be capable of caring for others.
  14. clamchopz

    HELP! Don't know what to do.

    First, since you said you haven't done anything since you have graduated, have you been cleared by the board of nursing in your state to take the NCLEX? That was something my school had helped me set...
  15. clamchopz

    Keep looking for a job or finish my BSN?

    After a few weeks of looking for a job and interviews, I've re-enrolled into my online BSN classes. I have followed up with emails and phonecalls to see if I received any offers (other than that...