

nursing ethics


All Content by MarkMyWords

  1. Huge Zoom Mistake....Nurse Instructors Caught!

    It is not uncommon for professors to be fired for this kind of comment. More likely if they are adjuncts or new and usually men. Maybe lose tenure. HR gets involved. Such remarks are inexcusable anywhere
  2. How to Answer a Patient Who Asks: "Does God Exist?"

    Why do you feel you should discuss this with patients? Have you studied this issue? If patients ask because of worry about dying... try to offer polite consolation, if possible. If the patient does not believe in a theistic God then don't bring in t...
  3. RN coworker discouraged me

    Maybe this is her humor. A facetious snarky joke?
  4. Covid Vaccine

    What's the latest on a cure? All we hear about are vaccines. My Google search showed no special progress for a cure or at least reduction of symptoms.
  5. We live in cities with much more coorifice behavior. I don't know about Europe or Canada. People start fights over nothing. More profanity is tolerated and more verbal abuse but I heard that decades ago also. Psych units I expect problems because pat...
  6. Winner!!

    Me too!! Won $100. This is my new favorite forum site
  7. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    Will they also work to. create a cure? I don't understand that. What am I missing?
  8. Ever date a patient? Or would you?

    Of course, not while he or she is under your care. But after they are discharged, does this occur? I wonder. You see the patient sick and hurting and so it must be an unattractive turnoff. I had lunch with my (former) nurse once and didn't see ...
  9. Getting harassed at work and not sure what to do about it?

    A ride home should just be a ride home but more and more women don't see it that way, not for a long time. Most guys and ladies assume (falsely?) that more is involved and may think "ride home" means sex. Happens all the time everywhere in world, wh...
  10. Haha. Daily Mail is something of a joke. Wishful thinking. Seriously, nothing funny about the disease.
  11. Ever date a patient? Or would you?

    I am merely asking if this happens, not that you should. Its an objective question, and do not misinterpret me without understanding the broader field of ethics in society. Months or a year after the patient leaves the health setting is there still a...
  12. Gullible?

    Nursing students, like all students, are not above cheating. If there's a way, sneaky students find it. They will even cheat on a question about honesty in an ethics course--fact. One trick is to bring a water bottle to class and on the label is prin...
  13. Friend diagnosed with cancer but can't get surgery?

    I had personal experience. Removal of prostate is common (called radical) and is an overnight operation. Afterward, sex is never the same (worse) and impotence can occur. Waiting and monitoring it is acceptable in early stages...if it has not spread....
  14. Regret not taking other job

    Yes, 2 months is nada. Give it some time and then maybe move. New employer boss may contact your current job supervisor and what will she say? It will not look very good and may backfire. I don't know the nursing job protocol, but this is my gue...
  15. How to deal with mean staff

    Is he like this with other nurses, or only you? Maybe this is his personal style. Maybe he is really upset or annoyed with someone or something else entirely and not so much you. Is there anything you have said or not done that would get him t...
  16. "I should have worn a mask."

    He states the obvious. Nothing new. Doesn't mention if he was social distancing. Everyone thinks others will get the disease, not themselves. A very common attitude, sadly. I found out the hard way three times.
  17. I don't understand how this quarantine law can be enforced within a nation? Does anyone know?
  18. Help! Why is switching specialties so difficult?

    This looks the specialty you are seeking has a sufficient or excess supply of nurses there, and is very competitive to enter. It is similar to other occupations like that. Either try another location, another part of the nation or state, accept a low...
  19. Any info/advice for moving to Chicago?

    Loyola UMC in Maywood (a west suburb) is huge and recently purchased MacNeal Hosp in nearby Berwyn, small and very good. No visitors allowed. As a patient, I have been told or implied that they are reorganizing departments. The north suburbs have ve...
  20. What's it like in the VIP wing of a hospital?

    I wondered what famous people do when they need medical work done. I thought they paid the doctor for a house visit. So most hospitals have VIP suites? Is this where Mick Jagger would go? LOL Do they receive visitors, too, when everyone else c...
  21. What's your opinion on nurses dating doctors?

    It is not the same as dating men in other professions. Doctors are usually very busy working (as you may be) and will have less time for you. It will become an arrangement, so to speak, and that's okay if that's what the couple wants. Make sure he is...
  22. There is no definite answer for all hospitals and units. It depends on your location and the situation. I am inclined to say yes, wear the face covering, but there are many exceptions, based on the patient and close proximity to other patients and st...
  23. Genital exams at school physicals and well-child check-ups?

    Are these genital exams really necessary? What is the probability that something is wrong down there? What are the real chances? Is this curiosity? I am not a nurse, but I say skip it as part of routine care. They are being humiliated for no good re...
  24. getting bodily fluids on scrubs

    If you can smell it, change it. If it looks like pee or blood, change it. Neatness always matters.
  25. Call right away. Nothing to think about.