

Former NP now Internal medicine PGY-3

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About Tegridy

Tegridy specializes in Former NP now Internal medicine PGY-3.

Prior FNP

now DO

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  1. I think the big issue now is the large sum of for-profit programs. Seems like every new NP we see on a general medicine service is from like some random online place listed as for-profit. Feel bad for...
  2. Well, the truth is the truth until NP education is adequate the eye rolls and sighs when seeing APP orders will
  3. It isn't a national requirement as it should be. The rest of this post is just salt being tossed at someone's career choice. I would say since I already completed the curriculum and took the NP exam...
  4. Dilaudid

    well if we have excluded organic pathology and all the ct has is constipation I doubt I would give anything more than simethicone and some laxatives. They can leave if they
  5. Respiratory Nursing - new RT??

    IDK the division of labor between RN and RT serves some purpose. If anything it lets each stay fresh in his or her role as we tend to get good/stay good by doing what it is we do
  6. Well let's start by petitioning for a mandatory year of residency or fellowship or OJT that has to be submitted to XYZ state board of nurse
  7. yep grifters will always exist when power allows. At least we arent quite to the politician level
  8. I mean the standards haven't changed so why would someone stop voicing
  9. Chronicles of a VA APRN Resident

    You learned to read CT scans in three weeks? Something that takes radiologists years to do?
  10. Yeah im not sure why they got triggered from the posts. A review of my posts include critique of medical education also as it has its flaws. Some of which they are fixing by nixing the heavy burden of...
  11. Advocating for the Integrity of the ARNP

    I thought they had to take advanced classes too. Those were probably the only somewhat helpful classes back in my
  12. It seems as most here agree the education is lacking. A barber has more clinical hours than an
  13. Advocating for the Integrity of the ARNP

    Okay the first part of this post has great merit. The second part sounds like it was describing CRNA school not nursing experience. I see how ICU experience can help for those not just coasting...
  14. Advocating for the Integrity of the ARNP

    You bring a good point to certain nursing specialties having useful knowledge transfer to the provider
  15. If the authors names and titles were taken out of the prior posts I doubt one would be able to pick out who is a physician versus not. I believe you may be responding more toward the author than the...