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All Content by Sun1

  1. Great Video! Thanks for sharing!
  2. Emory ABSN Fall 2020

    Any tips on how the waitlist works? Also, how many have they accepted off the waitlist in the past? Thanks!
  3. NP residency and salaries

    Can you please share your opinions about np residency and salaries.... 1. How much more can one expect to make after doing a residency? 2. Can one bill the same rate as a physician after doing a residency? 3. How long are these residencies usual...
  4. NP residency and salaries

    Can I pm you please?
  5. NP residency and salaries

    But aren't higher ranked schools, better at delivering a quality education? Also, % wise how much do NPs know compared to MDs?
  6. NP residency and salaries

    Why would you say NP education is not so good, please?
  7. NP residency and salaries

    Where and in which specialities are they available? How long are they usually?
  8. Is NYU's nursing program even good?

    Wish....I could get more experiences like yours (the truth) about all the programs. This could be helpful to better judge as to where to apply? Thank you very much for sharing your experience.
  9. Emory ABSN Fall 2020

    How long does it take to hear after submission of an application, please? Thanks!
  10. Emory Spring 2021 InEmoryABSN

    Is there a number of weeks after submission one gets to hear the decision or is it a specific date for everyone? Thanks!
  11. Emory Spring 2021 InEmoryABSN

    Can you please share how long does it take after submission to receive any decision? Thanks.
  12. Can anyone please share their thoughts about such programs? Which program if you could share you attended? Also, can it be done part-time?
  13. Surgical procedures - NP

    Actually whatever is allowed....not sure where to begin my understanding. Are they the same types of procedures that PA's are allowed to do as well? Actually whatever is allowed....not sure where to begin my understanding. Are they the same types ...
  14. Surgical procedures - NP

    As a NP, what types of surgical procedures can you do? Also, how do you bill for it, and at what rate? What type of training is available to become one?
  15. Nurse practitioner salaries by specialty, experience, area

    Can you please provide the link for this NP forum? Thanks.
  16. Surgical NP

    What kind of procedures can you do as a Surgical NP? Any orthopedical procedures, etc....can you please comment on this?
  17. Duke ABSN Spring 2021

    Can anyone guide me with their scholarship essay, please? I am not sure what and how to do it? Thanks to all you....
  18. Emory University D-ABSN Summer 2020

    Thanks for the note. However, I can't seem to be able to get a straight answer from them.....So confused??
  19. Emory ABSN Fall 2020

    If someone applied right now to the program, what are the chances if any of getting in? Please do share your thoughts?
  20. Emory University D-ABSN Summer 2020

    If someone applies it more likely going to be a waitlist, if the university wants to consider you. Any thoughts on this please?
  21. NP residency and salaries

    Is it fair to say that procedure heavy jobs, tend to command more salaries? Also, can np's do surgical procedures like pa's do without any problems? And can they bill more because they are allowed to practice independently in that state?
  22. NP residency and salaries

    Do the salaries in any way follow what the speciality dictates, I.e. some MD specialities pay more....
  23. Duke ABSN Spring 2021

    Who told you this, please?
  24. Duke ABSN Spring 2021

    Can I pm you please?
  25. Duke ABSN Spring 2021

    Thanks for the tips....did you write out the entire topic you are writing about (in the heading) or just mention the Essay #. Thanks!