Lynker LPN

LTC & Rehab Supervision

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All Content by Lynker

  1. Lynker

    Fear of going back

    I go back to school in three weeks for my second semester out of three for my RN. I originally failed this semester due to being a bad test taker. I'm just not sure how to get over this fear of doing the entire semester again, and failing again. ...
  2. Lynker

    Nurses: Respect or Money? What Matters Most?

    I like the idea that money = respect (or at least part of it). Have you ever been somewhere where they refuse to pay you more? The respect goes out the window!
  3. I've been mostly on the LTC unit, sometimes the rehab unit at my job. I'm still fairly new, I only started as an LPN in October 2019. However, I just feel like I don't....KNOW....ANYTHING. One of my former classmates works on the rehab unit regu...
  4. Lynker

    Second Thoughts on Becoming a Nurse

    I, as a "baby" nurse, personally love it. Some days can be super hard. The things you see, hear and deal with can be so hard. Management can suck, but not always! I'm personally on my way to get my associates RN, and I'm excited for it. This is ...
  5. Thank you, but I am a native English speaker! I'm not sure how you got that from my post. My apologies! Thank you so much. I needed to hear this.
  6. Lynker

    Thinking of quitting CNA Job

    I agree with SmilingBluEyes. I would try to quit on good terms, as much as you can. Just so you don't burn a bridge. But this sounds like my part-time CNA job while I was in LPN school. It's not worth it if you're miserable there.
  7. Lynker

    How Has Covid Affected Your Job as a Nurse?

    COVID assessments every shift with full vitals. It's especially rough when I have the LTC floor and it's 50+ PEOPLE. ?
  8. Lynker

    RN as CNA

    I don't understand the whole "I am liable even though I'm working as a CNA!" thing. I worked as a CNA in my nursing home, and had no nursing duties. Thus, I had no nursing assignment. I only had the CNA assignment. In this case, why would y...
  9. I finally got a seat open for the RN program, and I'm going to retake med surg 1!! Any tips for a student who has previously failed a semester? I still have my old notes, and I'm going to start looking over them again. When the time comes, I will use...
  10. Lynker

    Feeling discouraged in LVN-RN program

    I applied with little experience, as a fresh LPN out of school. All the school required was that I was actively working as an LPN. Don't feel bad, everyone's walks of life are different.
  11. Lynker

    Social Skills Should Be a Bigger Focus in Nursing School

    A girl in my first semester of LPN school failed because of her personal skills/she wasn't confident enough. (Was I? Nah but I faked it 'til I made it LOL)
  12. Lynker

    Worried I made a mistake

    We have all made a fair share of mistakes. But as said before, if there was you would have known about it. We learn from our mistakes, big or small. Whether they're still happening or not. We all have to learn to let go and move forward. We're human!...
  13. Lynker

    What is wrong with me

    I just got fired from my second job in three months. I've officially lost more jobs than I've had altogether in nursing. Apparently I wasn't "catching up to speed" with pediatrics vital signs and wasn't doing good enough for them. I just don't k...
  14. Lynker

    What is wrong with me

    Thank you so much. I might just stick with the nursing home until I'm done with RN school and then move forward. It seems like the best bet right now instead of putting myself through this over and over again.
  15. Lynker

    What is wrong with me

    I did end up using a reference sheet towards the end, and I made it known. I WAS doing better. But I guess it just wasn't good enough. "Good enough", as in up to speed of what I should have been. I've been doing LTC since October 2019. Maybe I s...
  16. Lynker


    Congratulations! Best feeling ever!
  17. Well, today was my special day! I got fired from my job for giving one (yes, one) injection wrong, and for telling some lady I wasn't trained on how to use an EpiPen. Apparently all of that deems me "unable to safely practice as a nurse" according to...
  18. Lynker

    Got Fired From My First Nursing Job

    I agree with this sentiment! I'm so much happier now though, I got a new job in a pediatrics office, my dream specialty!
  19. Lynker

    First Pediatrics Job!

    I just got offered my first office pediatrics job!! Any tips or anything I should know about? This is a whole new kind of thing for me. I'm super excited, but I don't want to go in blind. I start Monday!
  20. Just want to quote this for emphasization. Nothing more to add, but I just wish you luck in whatever happens with this situation. ? ❤️
  21. Lynker

    Got Fired From My First Nursing Job

    This was at covid popup clinic btw, not LTC. Never had this problem in LTC tbh.
  22. Lynker

    Got Fired From My First Nursing Job

    Yeah, this is how I do it too.
  23. Lynker

    Got Fired From My First Nursing Job

    I think it was mostly my fault. I brought it up, saying no one was really trained and said it would be nice if there was more training on it just in case. It just sucks. I'll find a better job. I learned my lesson on being honest. ?‍♀️
  24. Lynker

    Got Fired From My First Nursing Job

    Saying this once again, I didn't tell a PATIENT I didn't know how to do it. It was a lady from the state.
  25. Lynker

    Got Fired From My First Nursing Job

    I know how to give an IM medication. The thing was that the CDC also gave us those very long needles, which could easily hit bone if pushed too far. I didn't gauge it correctly, and didn't go far enough into the skin because I was too scared of hitti...